Biden and Trump Fight Over Debate Dates – NRK Urix – Foreign News & Documentaries


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For a time he wanted the two candidates to agree on one thing, but then not.

It seemed as if both Joe Biden and Donald Trump were proposing that the public meeting planned in Miami next week be postponed until October 22. The same date the third debate should take place in Nashville.

Later, various news agencies reported that the two candidates also agreed on a new debate between the two to be set up on October 29, but now Biden’s campaign reports that they do not want a debate this day, but that Biden will run on October 15. October. .

“Trump today chose to withdraw from the debate on October 15, and Trump’s erratic behavior does not give him the opportunity to choose which dates are best for him,” a statement from Biden’s campaign reads tonight.

Had Biden accepted Trump’s proposal, it would have meant that the so-called “City Hall” debate, in which Trump and Biden will receive questions from voters, would have been held on October 22 in Miami, Florida, instead of Thursday of the next week. .

The debate, which was to be held on October 22 in Nashville, Tennessee, would also have been postponed a week, so it would have been held just four days before the November 3 presidential election.

Biden’s team writes that they hope to hold the last debate on October 22, noting that in the past 40 years, a debate has never been held this close to the election.

– Donald Trump can appear or he can leave. It is your choice, writes the election campaign team in extremely harsh response.

Video meeting

Today it was also announced that the next debate between the president of the United States, Donald Trump, and the presidential candidate Joe Biden, will take place in the form of a video meeting.

The cause is concern about coronary heart disease, the US Presidential Debate Commission said, according to the AP news agency.

Soon after, the president said in a phone conversation with Fox News that it was “ridiculous” to have a debate over a computer.

Trump believes it is no longer contagious

– I will not waste time with a virtual debate. That is not acceptable to us, Trump told the news channel..

He fears the format will disrupt him more.

Trump says he would not have participated in a debate if it had been contagious. According to the president, he no longer has any symptoms. On the other hand, Trump believes he is “not contagious at all” but is ready to campaign.

The president says he has stopped taking most of the medications he uses in his treatment of covid-19. He still takes steroids.

I think it will serve Biden

In an official statement from Trump’s election campaign apparatus, campaign manager Bill Stepien writes that it is “pathetic” that the commission has canceled the traditional debate.

He believes the commission is doing it because it favors Biden:

– President Trump won the first round of debates despite cruel and biased President Chris Wallace. Everyone knows that.

According to Stepien, it is easy to carry out the debate face to face with the presidential candidates without risking anybody getting infected.

Trump’s opponent, Joe Biden, welcomes a digital debate.

In a statement, it is stated tonight that Biden wants to answer questions from the public, if Trump withdraws from the debate, which according to the plan will be the so-called City Council meeting. This means that the audience in the room can ask questions.

Biden’s campaign also called for the form of the last debate, on October 22, to be changed to a City Council meeting, so the public can ask both candidates any questions they want.

Now it may appear that both candidates are asking the Presidential Debate Committee to switch to a public meeting on October 22, but they cannot agree on a final debate on October 29.

The actual election is Tuesday, November 3.

Responded to the statement

The presidential debate is scheduled for October 15 in Miami.

Last week, President Donald Trump tested positive for coronavirus.

In recent days, several of Trump’s closest advisers have also tested positive.

– Do not be afraid of the covid. Don’t let it rule your life, Trump wrote on Twitter on Monday night Norwegian time.

Additionally, Trump wrote that he feels better now than 20 years ago.

This made Biden react:

– I hope that the improvement in the health of the president is quick and successful. But the nation’s Covid 19 crisis is far, far from over. Today, my prayers go out to the families of the 210,000 Americans who died from the virus, he says.

Called Harris a monster

Last night there was a vice presidential debate between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris.

It was completely different from the presidential debate, which was rated the worst of all.

Topics included economics, climate change, the Supreme Court, and Black Lives Matter. The first topic was the management of the coronary pandemic.

– The American people have experienced the greatest failure of an American president. The vice president and the president knew how dangerous the virus was and covered it up. Donald Trump has no plans to fight the virus yet. Joe Biden has it, Harris said.

Pence was asked to respond.

– Our nation has been through a demanding time and I want people to know that the President has put the health of citizens first. He stopped all inputs from China and gave us valuable time to prepare. It saved hundreds of thousands of lives, Pence said.

In an interview the next day with Fox Business, President Donald Trump called Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris a “monster.” He also referred to her as a “communist” who wanted to open borders and let rapists and murderers in.
