Bertheussen with a smoking revolver in court


The bags have been a topic of conversation throughout the criminal process against the 55-year-old man. Bertheussen denies all blame in the case of threats to democracy, his own partner Tor Mikkel Wara and the couple Ingvil Smines and Christian Tybring-Gjedde and has created a network of substances with a new message almost daily.

Friday is the last day of the extended trial. It is Bertheussen’s own defender, lawyer Bernt Heiberg, who will address the criminal issue for the defendants.

The defendant himself posed with a net with the imprint of a smoking revolver and a checklist of the evidence in the case. While the word “NO” is marked after the words “DNA, fingerprints, image or video, witnesses, confession, and the culprit,” it is marked “YES” for “alibi.”

The reason is an obvious publication of Bertheussen’s alleged innocence in the case. Prosecutors have been criticized for lacking concrete and conclusive evidence, often referred to as a “smoking gun” or simply a smoking gun in US courts, that directly links the 55-year-old to the eight acts of the indictment. The prosecution, for its part, believes that the chain of clues is so strong that they tend to judge it.
