Bergensfirma is developing a saliva sample that will give a corona response in five minutes


By passing the cotton swab into the mouth, the swab is placed in a tube connected to a sensor that passes into a box full of electronic components. After a few minutes the answer is clear: Crown or not crown.

– The rapid test is based on a completely new type of technology, says CEO Joacim Holter at Lifecare to Bergens Tidende.

The company has developed the test in collaboration with the German company Digital Diagnostics AG, which will finish testing the method in October.

Various benefits

Holter sees a number of advantages of the rapid test over regular tests:

– For the individual, oral cleaning is much more comfortable than a swab in the sinuses. Also, it is an advantage to get a quick response. It is the health personnel or people with training who must carry out the test.

– You do not avoid queues, but we save all the resources of the laboratory, says Holter, suggesting a price of $ 60 per test, about 550 crowns.

It is more than double what each test costs to the municipality today, but in addition there are laboratory tests of around 500 crowns.
