Bergen with new fists


On Monday afternoon, Bergen City Councilor Roger Valhammer says 66 new cases have been registered since Friday. This means that they must now take steps to prevent the spread of the infection.

Valhammer says they are now recommending that several students who have participated in student parties go into self-quarantine for ten days after the party took place.

– Lately it has been very demanding to keep track of infections in Bergen. We’ve gotten to the point where we’ve had to consult on this and come up with a general recommendation for students and people who may have been in meetings with them for the past ten days, says head of infection control Karina Koller Løland .

The municipality of Bergen has convened a press conference on Monday afternoon on the recent spread of the infection in the municipality. Present will be Councilor Roger Valhammer (Labor Party), Councilor for Health Beate Husa (KrF), Medical Director Trond Egil Hansen and Chief Infection Control Doctor Karina Koller Løland.

Growing infection

Even before the weekend, the number of infections exceeded 30 infected per 100,000 inhabitants in the period from August 14 to 28. Possibly as high as 37.5, it shows the municipality’s own overview.

In comparison, the National Institute of Public Health recommends including in the red list countries that exceed 20 infected per 100,000 inhabitants.

EMBARRASSING: The Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, asks people to stop shaking hands, but it is not always so easy to remember it yourself. Reporter: Christian Wehus. Video: AP.
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Over the weekend, at least 43 new cases were confirmed in connection with an outbreak at the Norwegian School of Management (NHH). A total of 58 students have been infected with the outbreak. On Monday, communications director Geir Mikalsen told Bergens Tidende that the school will cancel all physical education until further notice.

Dagbladet has contacted the municipality of Bergen, which refers to the press conference. Dagbladet has also failed to get a comment from the National Institute of Public Health.

Warning after sponsor infection

Warning after sponsor infection

Before the weekend

On Friday, the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) stated that they believed it was not necessary to recommend the use of masks in Bergen. This is because the outbreak appeared to be limited and the pressure of infection did not appear to increase in the population.

On Wednesday, the Bergen Municipality stated in a press release that FHI stated that Bergen is not considered the red area. Among other things, this was justified by the fact that the proportion of positive tests was less than five percent.

– Of the total number that have been tested, only a small proportion turn out to be positive. The proportion of positive samples must exceed five percent of the total number of tests in the municipality for us to become a red area. In addition, we will have more than 20 new cases of infection for every 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days. Then it will be a general assessment that will have FHI evaluate an area as red or not, said the head of infection control, Karina Koller Løland.
