Bergen should close like Germany


We have equally high infection rates in Bergen.

Germany has introduced strict measures against the spread of the coronavirus. This Bonn restaurant closed on Sunday, November 2. Photo: WOLFGANG RATTAY / Reuters

  • Gunnar Kvåle, Emeritus Professor of International Health; Audun Helge Nerland, professor of microbiology and immunology; Hans Flaatten, professor, chief physician, specialist in anesthesiology, Haukeland University Hospital

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Germany has the increase in infection rates that last week reached 131.5 per. 100,000. Now blocking measures have been introduced for the entire country. This means that Germany will close restaurants, clubs, cinemas, theaters and gyms for a month, in a bid to stall the coronavirus until Christmas. National tourism is more or less prohibited. The country’s museums are also closed.

In Bergen, infection rates in the same week, up to and including November 2, were slightly higher than in Germany: 135.2 per 100,000, corresponding to 13-14 times the red level.

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Is it is entirely possible that Bergen will suppress the epidemic again. But the rise is more serious this time with a seven-day moving average that is 2-3 times higher than the March peak. It came a couple of weeks after closing.

Although the proportion analyzed is significantly higher than in March, we cannot be sure that this alone explains the current increase in infection.

Article authors Gunnar Kvåle, Hans Flaatten and Audun Helge Nerland. Photo: Private

Since the infection has so far spread more among young people, there are relatively few hospitalized patients in Bergen. Unfortunately, the infection is now also increasing among the elderly, and more hospitalizations of patients with a severe course are expected if the infection is not suppressed.

We recommend attack with stronger measures immediately, similar to what Germany is doing now. It is not a law of nature that infection increases. Both the recent decline in Bergen and the rise now are the consequence of political decisions and how most people follow through on what is decided. The responsibility still rests largely with the individual. In addition to even clearer speech, more orders / bans are needed for more people to follow up, especially for a “hot spot” like Bergen.

In March, it was Erna Solberg and the government who, along with Bergen, took the initiative. This time, the main responsibility lies with the Bergen politicians, who must take the initiative and show that this is serious. In March, the epidemic in Norway stopped in two months.

If the town hall With Councilor Roger Valhammer at the helm, taking responsibility and doing something for Bergen similar to what Erna Solberg did for Norway in March, Bergenians may celebrate Christmas with low infection rates.

