Bergen delegates wanted to cut the FNB leader’s salary


A group from Bergen did not get a majority for a proposal that could have led to a significant cut in the salary of FNB leader Frode Myrhol. Myrhol himself and Trym Aafløy warned against offenses.

Party leader Frode Myrhol (left) and Einar Jacobsen at the Folkeaksjonen national meeting no to tolls (FNB) in Gardermoen on Saturday. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB

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Bergen FNB representatives failed on Saturday to obtain a majority for a proposal that would have robbed Myrhol and others of both power, influence and money.

The FNB founder receives NOK 1,130,448 from Stavanger Township and NOK 711,360 for positions in County Township.

– There is no doubt that I win well, but there is also no doubt that I work a lot. This would never have happened if he had a family or a partner, Myrhol told Aftenbladet in June.

– illegal

The delegates with the number sign in the air voted for the Bergen FNB proposal. Photo: Geir Søndeland

Stian H. Skare (Bergen) said it is not about the amount of work.

– We should not get into the situation that we take positions to get the most out of money. This is about a 100 percent position on pay, and there are no individual reps or guys at all. Limit and restrict the feeding of others who want to participate and contribute, Skare said.

Here is the proposal as read by the proponent Cesilie Tveit (Bergen).

«FNB wants to ensure solidity and diversity in the game. A member may only hold one position and / or position as a political representative of the FNB, which is limited to financial compensation of a maximum of one position at 100 percent. Other positions in addition to compensation will be approved by the local board. “

– We must ensure that all tasks are carried out, both in order for the right person to get the right position and for the important task to be solved in a proper way. We also need to make sure that the motivation to do this good work is the best and that the motivation is not money. With this, we will curb “contempt for politicians” and we will become a party that effectively takes controversial measures to avoid having such contempt for politicians, he said to applause from a large part of the delegates.

However, the mood was to become much more critical of the proposal after critics objected.

Frode Myrhol photographed at the national meeting. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB

Strong warnings

From the rostrum, Myrhol warned that in that case the FNB would take over the elected bodies and the Electoral Law, and that the consequence would be that a municipal politician risks having to resign from a popularly elected regional office.

– There is no law under the Elections Law. You have been selected for the period, so in that case, you must start from the next electoral period, Myrhol said.

Knut Inge Andersen (Vestland) stated that such a provision means that various representatives of the FNB will violate the party’s statutes.

– I would strongly advise against such a clause. It will not be possible for people to sit on an electoral list for city council elections and at the same time stand for county council elections, because one can quickly exceed working fractions of more than 100 percent, Andersen said .

Trym Aafløy was the leading FNB candidate in Bergen in last year’s elections. The local team has struggled with internal conflicts. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB

Trym Aafløy (Bergen) cautioned against the proposal, noting that he has political offices representing 110 percent of the post. He was the first candidate in Bergen, but reluctantly agreed to run for third place for the county council elections, because the county team struggled to find candidates, according to Aafløy.

He pointed out that it is not him, but the elected representatives who have adopted the level of fees.

– If someone adopts this, we will have statutes in violation of the Local Government Law, says Aafløy.

– Distribute tasks and loads

The alternative, according to Aafløy, is to take this into account when party teams establish their electoral lists, not through a clause that he considers illegal.

“By the way, the current practice is quite common in other matches,” Aafløy said.

Cato Siljander (Bergen) supported the proposal and said it would apply after local elections in three years.

– There is no intention of putting yourself above people or anyone else. The proposal is to distribute tasks and loads evenly, so that we have time to do the best possible work locally and for the county. Trym says we can solve this with a different nomination. When Trym was elected, we were a very young and inexperienced party. Now we have experience. We are very different from the others, and we must be a party that dares. We did not come here to copy others, but to make a difference, Siljander said.

– Difficult

Myrhol also claimed that FNB cannot differentiate between full-time and part-time politicians.

– We are moving into very difficult territory, so I recommend that we do not adopt this today, Myrhol said.

-I understand the intention, but in that case we must investigate this properly, so that we do not put those who represent or will represent FNB, in a difficult position, Myrhol said.

Seven delegates voted in favor. This means that about 90 percent of the delegates voted against.

