Bergen, Alver, Askøy, Bjørnafjorden, Osterøy, Samnanger, Vaksdal and Øygarden with joint infection measures – NRK Vestland


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The municipality of Bergen has put municipal crisis management after 448 infected last week.

On Thursday, the municipality called an extraordinary press conference. They introduced the following new infection control measures from Saturday:

  • A maximum of five people is allowed in their own homes. Exceptions for families with more than five people and cohorts of kindergarten and elementary schools. Previously, the ceiling was for a maximum of ten people.
  • Mandatory home office for anyone who can have it. In the past it has been recommended.
  • Digital teaching mandate for colleges and universities.
  • Introduce the red level and homeschooling in secondary schools.
  • Close to grassroots sports and leisure activities for adults

The rules will apply to more than 400,000 residents in Bergen and neighboring municipalities. The measures will apply to the municipalities of Alver, Askøy, Bergen, Bjørnafjorden, Osterøy, Samnanger, Vaksdal and Øygarden.

Bergen will write the measures into regulations, which means that the measures will be prohibited and mandatory.

– Now is the time to be home, says Councilor Roger Valhammer.

New infection control measures in Bergen, Roger Valhammer

STRICT MEASURES: On Thursday night, Bergen introduced the strictest infection control measures in the city since March.

Photo: Silje Rognsvåg / NRK

Present full list of actions on Friday

Valhammer says they are still working on some of the measures and will present more measures tomorrow.

– We will impose stricter restrictions on public events and areas where people gather inside than the government has announced, he says.

He announced austerity measures in the following places:

  • Public areas and events
  • Nightlife and restaurants
  • Sports halls, library, gymnasium and other spaces where people gather. The municipality is considering closing.

– I mention this now because the new regulations will apply on Saturday. I want to point out already today that those who plan to hold events this weekend should prepare for them to be canceled, says Valhammer.

Bergen, neighboring municipalities, NIPH and Health Minister Bent Høie had a meeting this morning where Høie recommended municipalities to introduce common regional rules.

For the municipality of Askøy, this means, for the first time in the pandemic, that they regulate infection control measures.

– There is a long way to go to regulate the measures and interfere in people’s lives. But now we have reached the situation where we believe this should be regulated with clear orders and prohibitions, says Askøy Mayor Siv Høgtun.

The mayor has called an extraordinary meeting of the municipal board on Friday.

New measures at the national level

Earlier on Thursday, the government announced new measures at the national level. Erna Solberg asked people to stay home and have as little social contact as possible.

In addition, they presented a sandwich list of measures that they asked regions with high infection pressure to consider introducing.

– The situation in our country is serious and Bergen has a high pressure of contagion. Everyone should prepare for the fact that in the coming weeks we must stay home as long as possible and limit social gatherings and travel to a minimum, says Councilor Roger Valhammer.
