Bent Høie: – The most serious situation to reverse the infection since March


– We are facing the most serious situation now with the reversal of the infection since March, says the Minister of Health and Care Services Bent Høie (H) on TV 2.

This weekend, he is working, from his home in Stavanger, together with the Norwegian Health Directorate to decide what national measures against the coronavirus the government will implement early next week.

In Oslo and Bergen, municipal leaders Raymond Johansen (Labor Party) and Roger Valhammer (Labor Party) also do the same with their cities.

Consider these measures

Based on the experience of TV 2, this is one of the measures that are now being considered:

  • Tighter advice for house parties, with a reduction from 20 people today to 10 people.
  • Reduction in the number of people who can participate in private companies in a “public place”. Today the number is 200 and now it can be reduced to 50, as it was before the summer. TV 2 is informed that this will not apply to cultural and sporting events.

In Oslo and Bergen, various measures are being considered.

  • Oslo already has rules for a maximum of 10 people gathered in private homes. It is not relevant to toughen these rules, because it will be a legal challenge with such intrusive measures in private homes, reports TV 2. In Bergen, the city council next week will probably introduce rules for a maximum of 10 people at home if the government does not. does.
  • In Oslo, a tightening of the bandage requirement in public transport is considered to apply everywhere, regardless of the time of day and regardless of whether it is believed that it is possible to comply with 1 meter of sand.
  • The Oslo City Council is also considering imposing a bandage ban and / or restrictions on access to shopping centers. However, as a result of the guard strike, an access restriction can be difficult to enforce.
  • In Bergen, the new advice that all nightclub and restaurant guests should register for possible infection screening will likely become a regulatory order next week. Therefore, guests who do not identify themselves will be denied entry.

Private parties cause an explosion of infection

The main concern of the government now is infection in homes and companies, says the Minister of Health to TV 2.

– One of the places where the infection occurs more now is in private meetings with people you know, either at home or in meetings in public places. So we see that it is difficult to maintain the rules and often many of those who become infected or end up in quarantine, says Bent Høie.

In addition to considering measures aimed at private homes and companies, the government is asking the municipalities to sharply tighten controls in nightclubs and restaurants.

– Hospitals are filling up

– I am very concerned about the situation in some clubs because it seems that some broadcasters do not take seriously that they should make it easier for guests to maintain a distance of one meter when they arrive at a place. We must ask municipalities to have increasingly specific and strict controls, says Høie.

The Minister of Health refers to the explosion of infections that has occurred in the rest of Europe in the last two weeks.

– The situation in Europe is serious. Hospitals are filling up. Patients receive late treatment. At the same time, the company closes completely. In Norway, we must avoid getting into that situation, and we can if everyone makes a joint effort now, says Høie.
