Bent Høie, Parody | Comedian Rune Bjerga Was Told To Remove Bent Høie Parody


He got a strict message from the “top team”.

– There were some signs that this was not quite right from a certain team, comedian Rune Bjerga tells Nettavisen.

– I don’t take things away for fun, he says.

It all started on Christmas Eve, when the comedian posted a video on Facebook, where he has more than 18,000 followers. In the video, Bjerga parodies the Minister of Health and Care Services, Bent Høie.

Look at the video that was removed at the top of the box.

The “tall” character says the corona pandemic is just a joke that authorities have now gone too far.

For example, the cabin ban this spring was actually the result of “Høie” losing a round of “Need or Truth” to assistant health director Espen Rostrup Nakstad, the comedian jokes:

– When I lost, I had to do something and therefore there was a booth ban in Norway, it says “Høie” in the parody.

The video ends with the “High” character saying that he and her husband now expect 60 to 70 guests to visit them on Christmas Eve.

It was NRK who first mentioned that the video had been removed.

Now the comedian has become.

The sea

The clip of the Christmas table goes viral: – Boss, look at me now!

– I have thought and thought, and have come to the conclusion that censorship attempts are foolish! Therefore, I post the video that was taken from me yesterday. write on Facebook.

That there are people who don’t understand that this is a parody is almost beyond the comedian’s understanding:

– But there are people who are unable to distinguish between fiction and reality. When the message in my video is what it is, then it is worrying, he tells Nettavisen.

– Being asked to delete things of a higher level is not pleasant, but I understand a little why it happened. Then I spent a day thinking about it and then I turned around. No one should censor me or other comedians, unless it’s really bad. I don’t think this is so.

The comedian doesn’t want to say exactly who from “a certain top team” put his foot, but he tells Nettavisen that it’s not Høie himself. The Health Minister has also said on VGTV that he likes the parody.

The sea

Bent Høie parody: –⁠ Santa can’t do this this year

Bjerga says that after the removal he consulted with people who were aware of the legalities surrounding this, and came to the conclusion that he should and should post the video again.

According to Bjerga, the point of “superior teams” was that you were in the middle of a pandemic, and that there are people “out there” who do not understand humor and parodies, and who use everything they can “in the opposite direction.” There is still no doubt that this is a parody, believes the comedian:

– I think it’s pretty obvious, and I think all my fans think it too, that this is silly.


Great summary: these stores have started Christmas sales
