Bent Høie: – I want to get the vaccine.


– I want to get the vaccine. I can be pretty clear on thatsays Bent Høie (H) to NTB.

If all goes according to plan, the first corona vaccine will be approved in the EU and Norway on Christmas Eve. A batch of almost 10,000 vaccines is also on its way to Norway, so vaccination here can start on December 27.

The first vaccine will be administered in a nursing home in the Oslo area. According to Høie, this will be “a great national event” with the press present.

Not without risk

But the corona vaccine is not entirely without risks.

A vaccine that has been used for such a short time can have some unknown and rare side effects that only show up at a later time, according to Høie.

– There is always a risk with medication. Medications that have an effect often have side effects as well. The important thing is that the side effects are not serious and that they are proportional to the benefits of the vaccine and the disease you can get if you don’t get the vaccine., elaborates.

Høie emphasizes that the information from the vaccine tests will be made available to the public, so that people can do their own evaluation.

At the same time, both the National Institute of Public Health and the Norwegian Medicines Agency will continuously provide comprehensive information on the effects and side effects of the various approved vaccines.

Don’t sneak in the queue

It is the elderly and people in risk groups who will be offered the vaccine first.

Høie and the government will not stand in the queue, although moving forward could send a signal to people that the vaccine is reliable.

– It would have been an opportunity. But I think in a situation where we had obviously taken the vaccine from someone who needed it the most, it would not have been a good sign.says Høie.

It is completely voluntary to receive the vaccine. Those who receive an offer will be called.

– So you don’t need to call your GP now and ask where you are on the list.
