Beneficiaries of unemployment benefit will lose vacation pay next year


This comes when the Storting Committee on Labor and Social Affairs presents its recommendation on the matter on Thursday.

The proposal is promoted by Rødt and supported by the red-green parties.

Warns against increasing disputes in Norway

FRP has confirmed to FriFagbevegelse that on Thursday they will vote against the scheme, which was abolished by the government in 2015.

LO leader Hans Christian Gabrielsen is critical, he said in a press release Oct. 7, sent in connection with the proposal for next year’s state budget.

He believes that the cut in vacation pay for beneficiaries of unemployment benefit is one of the plans leading to the biggest differences in Norway.

– Invoices do not take vacation

If the government and the FRP reject the thumb, up to 350,000 of those who have been unemployed in 2020 will not receive vacation pay next summer from unemployment benefits that have been paid to them this year.

For some, the loss of income will amount to NOK 35,000 in June 2021.

– Invoices are not taken vacation. Many people experience losing part of their salary this year. Then the government proposes that they should receive a double penalty for losing vacation pay for next year LO leader Hans-Christian Gabrielsen tells FriFagbevegelse.
