Believes that Harry de Bertheussen’s action shows willingness to take risks – VG


NOT SENT: Laila Bertheussen was in Sweden on the same day the fourth shipment was sent to John Christian Elden, but her sending it herself is excluded. Photo: PST / S. Bertheussen

OSLO DISTRICT COURT (VG) After vacationing in crown-ravaged Spain, Laila Bertheussen broke the quarantine and took Harry’s trip to Sweden. – The trip gives him an irrefutable alibi, says defender John Christian Elden.

August 3, 2020 was the penultimate shipment in which lawyer John Christian Elden received the postmark in the town of Nässjö in Småland in Sweden. The letter reached the law firm three days later.

Evidence in court on Tuesday shows that Laila Bertheussen was in Sweden the same day the letter was sent, but at the same time that she could not have sent the letter.

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Nässjö is several hours from Strömstad, and the border crossings that investigators have collected show that the rental car that both Wara and Bertheussen had at their disposal was only in Sweden for an hour and a half.

– It may be as simple as that you have traveled with someone, you may have told someone that they should have sent a letter, if they know where the mailboxes are, if they are leaving, it is not certain that they knew. they were going to leave town. There are a lot of possibilities, but we have not focused on them because it is impossible to find out, prosecutor Frederik G. Ranke tells VG.

– Appetite for risk

Two card purchases and a surveillance image show what Bertheussen appears to be in what he assumes from Systembolaget with a shopping basket of polar items, also documenting that the defendant was in Strömstad that day.

The use of the card that Bertheussen had at his disposal also shows that he was in Alicante the day before the trip to Strömstad and several trips to Sweden. The day after the trip to Strömstad, the card was used in a restaurant in Norway, among other places.

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Repeated quarantine violations prompted the PST to notify the district superintendent.

– There were quite a few quarantine violations. We haven’t gone any further to process this, but the PST thought it important to notify health authorities so they could take action, Ranke says.

– We believe that she shows a way of taking risks and a form of ruthless behavior in which she does not take others into account. Many who break quarantine rules, but not so many that break them five times, he continues.

– Unsolvable alibi

Bertheussen’s defender, John Christian Elden, tells VG that he thinks it is “funny that the prosecution is now making this case a matter of quarantine rules rather than attacks on democracy.”

DEFENSE DUO: Bernt Heiberg and John Christian Elden are the defenders of Laila Bertheussen. Photo: Tore Kristiansen

– But it is good that he traveled with such good tracking that PST gives him an irrefutable alibi for at least three of the emails in this case. Then it gets a bit hollow when they reply that she must have had an unknown helper that they haven’t seen any trace of. Maybe they should look for the right perpetrators and the ones who sent the postal packages? Elden asks rhetorically.

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In the current shipment Elden received on August 6, there was a typewritten sheet and three photographs. Two of the images showed the magnetic contact on Wara / Bertheussen’s basement door, while the other showed a section of the R from the racist word that was etched on the couple’s car on December 6, 2018.

Bertheussen has not been accused of being behind these shipments, nor have the technical investigations surrounding them been completed.

Ranke still believes that the packages are important to the case because he believes that Bertheussen can be linked to them.

– Since someone takes responsibility for the incidents, it is important to find out if someone else has. But we see that the defendants may be linked to these shipments, he says.

It adds that the main objective of the prosecution is to demonstrate that Bertheussen can relate to the shipments both in writing and in content.

It emerged in court on Tuesday that both Kripos’s handwriting analyzes and defense writing examiner Reidun Wilhelmsen believe it is highly likely that Laila Bertheussen wrote the threatening letters, despite the latter leaving more room for doubt.

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