Behind the scenes of the party change: – It all started after a dinner with Trygve.


The seeds for today’s shock transition were already sown on August 28 this year.

This is confirmed by Dagbladet from central sources.

After cooperating well in the Storting for several years, SP leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum, and later Labor profile Jan Bøhler, made a carefully planned trip to Groruddalen on this late summer day.

GO TO THE CENTER PARTY: Trygve Slagsvold Vedum and Jan Bøhler will now work together. Photograph: Christian Roth Christensen / Dagbladet
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A romantic dinner

Youth work, drug policy, police reform, and gang crime were on the agenda.

Vedum and Bøhler also had dinner together in the afternoon. Then the topic came up, as Dagbladet understands it: What should Bøhler do now, since he did not inadvertently seek re-election by the Oslo Labor Party? Could the Center Party be an alternative?

Bøhler made it clear to Vedum that he did not want to run for parliament. The two discussed politics and found increasingly common ground.

The idea that Bøhler would top the Sp list in Oslo gained more fertile ground over dinner. Before dessert was on the table, the two decided to feed the political romance more.

Sow the seeds of love

The seed of love was sown. In the following weeks, enough water and fertilizers should be obtained: Oslo Senterparti was connected.

SHOCK TRANSITION: Dagbladet commentator Marie Simonsen believes several have seen Jan Bøhler as a soloist before.
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Internally at Oslo Sp, there were unusually many rounds, according to sources, to make sure Bøhler didn’t step on anyone’s feet by possibly taking first place on the list.

Bøhler was finally interviewed by the nominating committee.

The result was, as we know today, that Bøhler has now announced a transfer to the Center Party. This after 35 years as a member of the Labor Party. For the past 15 years, he has been a parliamentary representative of the Oslo Labor Party.

Jan Bøhler changes parties

Jan Bøhler changes parties

Støre knew nothing

The fact that Bøhler’s time in the Storting for the Labor Party soon ended was widely known in the Labor Party leadership. The Oslo Labor Party wanted new forces.

Bøhler had also become unpopular with some members of the Oslo Labor Party. Some perceive him as a solo player with little interest in organizational work in politics. A 68-year-old man was also not considered a future man for the Oslo Labor Party.

But Labor leader Jonas Gahr Støre had no idea of ​​the SP’s transition to Bøhler before he was in the area.

Sources tell Dagbladet that the Bøhler rumors actually took effect on Wednesday night. These rumors also reached the leadership of the Labor Party, but they were not informed if the divorce that Bøhler was about to draw.

Strong reactions after shock transition

Strong reactions after shock transition

– Self-centered betrayals

Bøhler did not want to punish his former party in public today, even though his party colleagues called him a “self-centered traitor” this morning. Frode Jacobsen, leader of the Oslo Labor Party, also said he was “very disappointed” with Bøhler’s decision.

At the press conference, Bøhler said that he has received assurances from Vedum that he can continue working as before.

– I have grown up with a great sense of duty, that I must take responsibility for my people. The only party that said something positive when I said that the parties should put more emphasis on contact with the people, that we should be part of the community, was the Center Party, which made contact and was positive in the way of thinking. They said that with them he could work as an ombud and remain among the people, Bøhler said at a news conference on Thursday.
