Bastholm targets Støre | ABC News


MDG leader Une Bastholm spoke before the party’s national board on Friday afternoon. In advance, the ODM central board has indicated a direction before the parliamentary elections.

– In the proposed resolution we say that we want a change of government. Since there is no space in Norwegian politics today for a cross-bloc coalition between the most environmentally friendly parties, the central board proposes that after the 2021 elections we seek cooperation with the Labor Party and the Socialist People’s Party, it says Bastholm.

Do you want a new course

– In practice, this means that we will give Jonas Gahr Støre the opportunity to accumulate a majority that will give Norway a new course for climate, nature and social justice. A new direction from what we have seen from Erna Solberg in the last seven years, says the MDG leader.

However, he emphasizes that the Labor Party has no guarantee of support for the MDGs, but that the party will demand a breakthrough.

In local politics, the MDGs most often rule alongside the Center Party and the Labor Party, Bastholm notes. But remember that the party also has the experience of withdrawing from cooperation if it believes that the agreements are broken, as the ODM did when the Labor Party in Viken advocated the development of E18.

– Not realistic

The only party ODM doesn’t want to cooperate with is the Progress Party, Bastholm emphasized. As the political landscape looks now, it is not possible to cooperate with the bourgeois parties.

– There is no realistic majority on the right without Frp. I think we have to deal with that, Bastholm says.

She believes that the Solberg government has failed to reduce emissions quickly enough and has also facilitated the destruction of nature and the topsoil. The MDG leader is highly critical of Solberg allowing the FRP to control both energy and oil policy and transportation policy, as well as the Ministry of Justice.

He accused “FRP alternate xenophobic justice ministers” of abusing asylum policy and creating everyday racism.

Line breaks

Bastholm emphasizes that the central board wants the party to discuss and take a position on the issue of cooperation by 2021 now, because they believe it gives the party more space to talk about politics and not about pre-election games and alliances.

The fact that the MDGs now point to the left means a change of line for the party, which considers itself independent of the bloc. But the MDG leader believes that they are not losing this independence by singling out the Labor Party and the Socialist People’s Party in this election.

The national board will decide the issue of cooperation on Saturday afternoon.
