“Bastard chef”: – He was locked up in the hospital.


Popular blogger Asbjørn Sandøy (43), better known as “Kokkejævel”, jumped to the blogging list in the last year. With honest texts on private life, he has gained a large following, who enthusiastically follow what he does.

Therefore, many have closely followed the last week, as Sandøy has been in isolation at Hammerfest hospital. For almost a week, he and his girlfriend, Christine Pedersen, have been locked in a small hospital room. They are happy to have had a bathroom in the room, because it has not been easy.

– For me, it has been a blessing to be able to relax in a good way, but in recent days it has started to fade, the blogger told NRK on Monday night.

The Asbjørn Tragedy: Two Lost Boys

The Asbjørn Tragedy: Two Lost Boys


Since Wednesday, he and his very pregnant girlfriend have been in the room. They were sent there because the delivery was underway, but it turned out the little one wasn’t ready to go anyway.

Due to several cases of infection in the hospital, they had to stay in the room. 13 hospital employees and four patients are among those infected in the city.

Now, five days after their arrival, they were finally allowed out of the small room. NRK writes that the couple were allowed to check into a hotel, which they think will be a welcome change after the days in the small room about four by four meters.

– We will still be in Hammerfest, but we can move freely. A person who is pregnant in the last week does not benefit from lying 24 hours a day, he tells the state channel.

- It feels good to share the pain.

– It feels good to share the pain.

– Saved

They have felt well cared for, despite the fact that the sickness in the barracks undoubtedly began to announce their arrival. They also have no plans to meet as many other people in the next period before the birth, although one will do well with a change of scenery.

When labor begins, you are allowed to return to the hospital.

– We have received guarantees that as long as we comply with the strict restrictions, I will also be allowed to enter again, he says.

BECOME A FATHER: The popular blogger is now waiting for his girlfriend to give birth. Photographed here earlier this year, when it won the Star Shot of the Year award at the Vixen Awards. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB
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It is important that the couple follow the guidelines, because they have a history that makes it more important. Last year, the couple lost their two-week-old son.

– We are terrified that something will happen and we follow all the rules to the letter. We are very excited, but try to rejoice as well, he declared to TV 2.

He chose to be very open about death, something for which he was praised. For Sandøy, it has helped in the grieving process to openly and honestly share the grief after her son’s sudden death, she had previously told Dagbladet.

Leonore was only one year old.  Nobody knows why

Leonore was only one year old. Nobody knows why

– Both to collect thoughts in a completely chaotic period where you go to bed with a broken back and don’t really see how to get up again, but also to end the day with a summary. Messages were always written at night and were the only thing I could hope for in the early days. I know it sounds absurd, and it is, “Kokkejævel” said to Dagbladet.

She also thought it was important to be able to share both joy and sadness.

– Why should one be able to openly publish the joy of a birth on social networks, without anyone reacting with disgust? If you share the grief of death, is it cynical, in bad taste, and just looking for clicks from readers? he wondered, and stated:

– I do not care a little about the clicks of the reader, but I am concerned about tears and the memory of my son. I want her to live forever. I miss him a lot!
