– Barron tested positive


Melania Trump writes on Wednesday evening Norwegian time in a statement that her son Barron Trump tested positive for coronavirus. After the first negative test, test number two showed a positive response for Barron Trump.

– Fortunately, he is a strong teenager and has no symptoms. In a way, I was happy that the three of us went through this at the same time, so that we could take care of each other, Melania Trump writes in the statement. Since then, the son has tested negative on a new test.

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From relief to shock

Two weeks ago Melania Trump got tested and was told she was infected with coronavirus. At the same time, her husband, President Donald Trump, had received the same message.

– Naturally, my thoughts went to our son. To our great relief, it tested negative. But as many parents have thought in the last few months, I also thought “what happens tomorrow or the day after? My fear would become a reality, writes the first lady of the United States.

Test number two completed. The response showed that Barron Trump had also contracted coronavirus.

IHUGA FANS: Many Trump supporters braved the rain and showed up for the “Trump rally” in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, on October 13. Video / Reporter: Vegard Kvaale
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He took vitamins and ate healthy foods.

– I was lucky and had minimal symptoms. I had body aches, coughs, headaches, and felt extremely tired. I chose a more natural direction when it comes to medications: I took more vitamins and ate healthy foods, writes Melania Trump.

The president’s wife also praised the health personnel who cared for her and her family while they were ill.

– Giving thanks is far from being enough, he writes in the statement.

- Like night and day

– Like night and day

– Live as healthy as you can

Also, he talks about the time after the Trump family recovered and the road back to normal health. She herself spent much of her time reflecting on the hundreds of thousands of people in the United States who have been affected by the pandemic.

– I encourage everyone to continue living as healthy as possible. A balanced diet, fresh air, and vitamins are really vital to keeping our bodies healthy, Trump writes.

The statement concludes by emphasizing that she has tested negative since it was confirmed that she was infected and that she is continuing her work as first lady as usual.
