Barron (14) tested positive for covid-19 – VG


ALL ARE RELEASED: Barron William Trump (14), Melania Trump and President Donald Trump must now be declared healthy. Here since August 27 this year. Photo: Evan Vucci / AP

In an article posted on the White House website, First Lady Melania Trump reveals that her son with President Trump has also had crown disease.

Two weeks ago it emerged that Trump and his wife Melania were infected.

At that time, Barron Trump (14) did not test positive.

– My fear came true when he took the test again and it came out positive, he writes in a text published in the pages of the White House.

She says her son Barron tested positive in the second round of testing, but has now tested negative.

– Fortunately, he is a strong teenager and has no symptoms. In a way, I was glad that the three of us went through this at the same time, so that we could take care of each other and spend time together, she writes.

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Trump’s First Voter Rally Since Infection: Several Key People in Isolation

She writes that she was lucky herself and had minimal symptoms, but that all the symptoms hit her at once.

– It looked like a roller coaster with symptoms in the following days. I experienced body aches, coughs, and headaches and felt extremely tired most of the time.

President Donald Trump received several strong drugs when he was infected with the virus. Melania Trump writes that she failed.

– I chose to take a more natural path when it comes to medicine, with vitamins and healthy foods, he writes.

She also writes that she wants people to know that she understands how lucky her family is to have received the kind of care they received.

– I encourage everyone to continue living the healthiest life that they can. A balanced diet, clean air and vitamins are really important to keep our body healthy.

Furthermore, the first lady writes that she will return to work as soon as possible.

The infection in the White House

On Sunday, White House physician Sean Conley said the president is no longer infectious to others ten days after he first tested positive.

Since then, he has attended several election rallies and on Wednesday heads to Ohio to continue the election campaign.

It is unknown when Donald Trump became infected, when he had the first symptoms and how critical the president’s health has really been.

In the days before Donald Trump tested positive for the corona virus, the president and several people in his election campaign attended meetings and events in various parts of the country. Several people associated with Trump and the White House have now been confirmed infected.

According to the VG overview, at least 26 people associated with the outbreak have tested positive.

The Rose Garden event in connection with the announcement of Amy Coney Barrett’s candidacy for the empty seat on the Supreme Court has been described as a “mass infection event.”

This was stated by the head of the National Institute of Health, Anthony Fauci in an interview with CBS on the radio on Saturday.

– The figures speak for themselves, we have had a massive infection event in the White House. They were in a situation where people were very close together and did not wear masks.

Read about what may have happened to President Donald Trump here.

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