Bacteria, Research | Norwegian researchers have found a new type of bacteria


Researchers from the Arctic University of UiT Norway have made a very special discovery. It all happened quite well by chance. was the first to mention the trailer on its website Wednesday morning.

The Norwegian research group was originally supposed to study bacteria on the skin that can cause deadly infections, especially in premature babies.

But suddenly a completely new type of bacteria appeared in the test tube.

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Now it has been called Staphylococcus borealis, because of its origin in the north, and because it is supposed to be adapted to the northern climate.

On the other hand, it is rare that new types of bacteria are discovered.

– I don’t think a new species of staph has ever been discovered in Norway, one of the researchers behind the discovery, Pauline Cavanagh, tells

Most people have staph bacteria on their skin, and some of these species can produce toxins in the body. However, it is not known for sure what diseases the new bacteria can cause.

– At the moment, we believe that it is part of our normal flora, says Cavanagh.

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– New era

In other words, the bacteria is a type that is found in most people’s bodies, which means that they rarely make us sick. For people with a weakened immune system, it can still pose a risk.

According to, this applies to other seniors, cancer patients, and premature babies.

Researchers discovered the bacteria through extensive DNA analysis and concluded that what they previously classified as Staphylococcus haemolyticus is in fact the new bacterium, Staphylococcus borealis.

Cavanagh now believes that we are in a new era when it comes to discovering new bacteria.

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