Aung San Suu Kyi Arrested in Myanmar – NRK Urix – Foreign News & Documentaries


“We have heard that the president and the leader of the country have been arrested in Naypyidaw and that they were taken away by the army,” said NLD spokesman Myo Nyunt.

They assume the army is making a coup.

– With the situation that we see developing now, we must assume that the army is carrying out a coup, he adds.

The arrests took place early Monday morning.

– I would ask people not to respond to this by doing something hasty. I want people to act in accordance with the law, the spokesman told Reuters by phone, adding that he also hopes they will bring it up.

State media cannot broadcast

According to the BBC, there are soldiers on the streets of the capital, Naypyitaw, and in the country’s largest city, Yangon, in the early hours of Monday. In the capital, telephone and internet connections were cut, the channel reports.

Just hours after the arrests, state media reported that they had technical problems and could not get the broadcasts on the air.

– Due to communication problems, we will inform you that the regular MRTV and Myanmar Radio programs cannot be broadcast, MRTV noted in a Facebook post.

Leaders carried

Soldiers have also searched the leaders’ homes in regions of the country and transported them, according to relatives.

Later on Monday, the country’s new national assembly was expected to meet for the first time after the NLD won the November 8 elections by a wide margin. But the army had asked the government to postpone the call, according to the BBC.

In recent weeks, the country’s powerful military has claimed that the elections were marked by widespread deception, and the country’s most powerful person, Army Chief Min Aung Hlaing, did not rule out the possibility that the military could seize power. . Fear of coup attempts prompted warnings from the international community.

Military supporters carry the Myanmar national flag during an election protest on January 30.

Military supporters carry Myanmar’s national flag during a protest call for an investigation by the Union Election Commission (UEC) in Yangon on January 30.

Photo: Sai Aung Main / AFP
