Attack on Congress – Imprisoned:



NEW YORK (Dagbladet): Barnett was famous in the image where he sits with his leg on the table of Democratic President Nancy Pelosi in Congress during the January 6 attack.

On Thursday, there was a hearing on his case in federal court in Washington DC, and the judge, Beryl Howell, decided that he should be in prison until trial, reports CNN.

The new political battle plan

The new political battle plan

– No peaceful demonstration

– This was not a peaceful demonstration. Hundreds of people came to Washington DC to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power, Howell said in what is one of the first statements by a federal judge on the more than 150 people now charged with the violent attack on Congress on January 6.

Five people, including a police officer, lost their lives and former President Donald Trump has been tried for inciting protesters to a violent attack to reverse the election result.

REDD: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says she was afraid of being killed by the mob that stormed Congress in the United States. PHOTO: @ aoc / Instagram.

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“We in Washington DC continue to live with the consequences of the violence in which the defendant is accused of having participated. Only outside of court are there visible reminders of the January 6 riots and the attack on Congress,” says Howell and notes how you can see the soldiers of the National Guard from your office.

He broke into Nancy Pelosi's office

He broke into Nancy Pelosi’s office


Barnett, 60, of Arkansas, is charged with entering closed areas of Congress, violence and disorderly conduct and theft of public property after receiving a letter from Pelos’ office. If convicted, you risk a sentence of more than 11 years.

“The description of those crimes doesn’t really capture the scope of what Mr. Barnett is accused of here,” Howell said.

It also notes, among other things, how Barnett bragged to reporters after the attack.

– I wrote a disgusting letter, put my legs on his table and scratched my balls, said Barnett New York Timesjournalist Matthew Rosenberg shortly after the attack.

- Right-wing extremists moved after Trump

– Right-wing extremists moved after Trump

He also claims that he did not steal the letter because he left 25 cents in Pelos’ office.

– A good man

The boy’s attorney, Anthony Siano, argued at the hearing that the client should be allowed to leave. Barnett himself also spoke:

– I have very honest and simple explanations. I’m a good man, said Barnett.

He has not yet been asked to rule on whether to plead guilty.

REVEALED: Olympic winner Klete Keller is said to be among those who stormed Congress. Video: Red card.
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The prosecution also claims that Barnett brought an electro-shock weapon to Congress. It is said that he bought this during preparations for Trump’s rally on January 6.

Barnett, according to tax authorities, a prehistory of appearing at election rallies and demonstrations with weapons and scaring passersby.

– The facts about Barnett as a whole make this court very concerned that he poses a danger to society. He has shown self-justification and disregard for the law. Total disregard for the US Constitution, Howell says.
