– At least we don’t have a chance if we don’t try – E24


One of the largest catering companies in the Oslo area will try to keep as many people at work as possible, even though the infection flourished and put a new brake on the event market.

The Oslo caterer has not been able to hire as many people to work as it had actually planned.

Riverfront catering


– We are in the same boat as the rest of the industry. There is great uncertainty associated with what we do, but we have chosen to invest. At least we don’t stand a chance if we don’t try, says Espen Mikal Gryt, CEO of Elvebredden Catering.

Under the plan, all employees were required to return to work during August and September, but then there was a further increase in the number of corona infections and once again there was a wave of cancellations. Then they had to decide whether they wanted to close again or bet.

– Unfortunately, we will not be fully operational again in September. Fortunately, the layoff scheme has been expanded, so we don’t have to lay off anyone. Although we are still far behind, we are moving forward, says Gryt.

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The company aimed to double sales this year. But in March, he realized that anything could happen.

An Innovation Norway report from August noted that autumn is often the peak season for courses, meetings and conferences, and that the outlook for those operating in this market is not particularly good this fall.

Cash support

The company already received cash support of almost NOK 723,400 for March, April and May, when they had to remain closed. June, which is usually one of the best months of the year, they tried to stay open, but they still see that they will need support to cover fixed costs in both June, July and August as well.

– If we look ahead three days, we should fire everyone, but we see that there will be a lot in the last minute. I don’t think there are many who have that many at work, and who have such empty order books, says Gryt, adding that they experience that many appreciate that they can apply on short notice.

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To be able to ask at short notice, they have changed operations so that there is also someone working in the afternoon in the ordering office, in addition to that now they have a night shift that can cook until the next morning.

– There are many small events that both individuals and companies carry out. We work hard to keep the wheels moving, both for our employees and for our customers, says Gryt.

Excited for the new arrangement

Although the plan was that the company would no longer rely on cash support when they reopened in August and September, it now looks different.

– We have managed to reduce fixed costs month by month, but we have reached a point where we cannot lower them any further. Then it will be exciting to see what comes from the government, says Gryt.

The existing scheme will be phased out now, at the end of August, but Finance Minister Jan Tore Sanner announced earlier this week that he will present a separate crisis package this fall, to meet the needs that cannot wait for the state budget. .

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Infection control

In addition to being able to ask on short notice, it has also been natural for the caterer to invest more in infection control.

– We have a full menu, all departments are staffed, employees wear bandages at work, and we can bring antibac stations to events, says Gryt, adding that they also work with a digital guest list solution, which makes it easier and safer to detect an infection, if it occurs.

– The idea is that we share the solution with everyone who may need it, such as hairdressers, who must also have an overview of all who come, he continues.

– It will be exciting to see what happens next, if we regain optimism this summer and the infection flattens out. But things can change quickly again, says Gryt.
