At least five Republican lawmakers support a lawsuit against Trump – VG


SUPPORT COURT LAW: Party leader Liz Cheney is ranked the third most powerful Republican in the House of Representatives. Photo: Samuel Corum / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / AFP

Liz Cheney, one of the leaders of the Republican party in the House of Representatives, believes that the violent assault on Congress would never have happened without the President of the United States, Donald Trump.


– An American president has never before been behind such a great betrayal of the constitution. I will vote for the president of the Supreme Court, she says in a statement.

Cheney, who represents Wyoming, is one of the leaders of the Republican party in the House of Representatives and ranks third from the top.

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After Mike Pence announced that he will not implement Amendment 25, the House of Representatives is expected to vote on whether to bring Donald Trump before the Supreme Court on Wednesday night.

The background is the violent assault on Congress in Washington DC on Wednesday, January 6.

Liz Cheney says in her statement that she believes Donald Trump is to blame for what happened in the United States Congress building last week.

– The president summoned this mob, gathered it together, and lit the flame behind this attack. All that followed was him behind her. None of this would have happened without the president, Cheney said, adding:

– The president could have intervened by force and stopped the violence immediately. It did not.

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Increased Republican Support for the Supreme Court

When Trump was tried in 2019, no Republicans in the House of Representatives voted in favor, writes the New York Times.

House Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has said this time around he will not demand that his colleagues necessarily follow the official party line.

According to CNN, a White House source expects between 10 and 25 Republican lawmakers to vote in the Supreme Court. Another source says the number will likely be less than 20.

In addition to Cheney, four other Republicans in the House of Representatives announced Tuesday night that they would vote to put Trump on trial.

“Allowing the US president to incite this attack without consequences is a direct threat to the future of our democracy,” New York Representative John Katko said in a statement. statement on Twitter.

– I can’t sit and watch without acting. I will vote to put this president on trial, he adds.

SUPPORT THE LAW OF THE COURT: Republican John Katko represents New York in the House of Representatives. Photo: Adrian Kraus / AP

Adam Kinzinger, representing Illinois, says in a statement that it believes Trump has broken the oath He was raised when he was installed as President of the United States.

He used his position as an executive to attack the legislature, he writes, referring to the accusation that Trump has incited a deadly uprising against Congress.

– I will vote for the Supreme Court, he concludes.

Michigan Rep. Fred Upton also wants to put Trump on trial, his spokesman Josh Paciorek told Reuters.

– I would have preferred a formal interpolitical reprimand rather than a lengthy Supreme Court process. I’m afraid this will get in the way of important legislative issues and the new Biden administration. However, it is time to say that “enough is enough”, he says.

Also Jaime Herrera Beutler, who represents Washington, writes on Twitter that he will vote to sue Trump.

NEW: Senate leader should be happy

For a president to be removed through the Supreme Court, the case must first go through the House of Representatives, where Democrats have a majority.

If they vote on a case in a national court, the actual trial takes place in the Senate.

Here, a 2/3 majority is required to impeach a president, and Republicans still have a majority here. Therefore, Republican senators must support the Democrats if something like this is to happen.

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Earlier Tuesday, the New York Times reported that Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader in the Senate, should be pleased that Democrats have started the trial process.

The reason is that he believes they can make it easier for the Republican Party to distance itself from Trump in the future.

According to CBS, other Republicans will also consider supporting a Supreme Court case, and Senators Pat Toomey and Lisa Murkowski have already said they want Trump removed.

The House of Representatives will vote Wednesday night in favor of a proposal to ask Vice President Mike Pence to activate Amendment 25. This means that Pence and a majority of the administration can remove the president if they believe he cannot do the job:

Suppress Trump

During the vote on the 25th Amendment to the House of Representatives Wednesday night, Republican Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania presented a proposal to formally reprimand and convict President Donald Trump after the attack on Congress.

Five other Republicans also supported the proposal.

In the proposal, Fitzpatrick writes that Congress should condemn Trump for “having attempted to overthrow the 2020 presidential election and having acted against his duties as president on January 6.”

According to The Guardian, the proposal is reminiscent of the Democratic proposal of the Democrats. The difference is that the Republicans behind this proposal propose to formally reprimand the president, rather than take him to trial.
