At least 100 in quarantine in various municipalities – VG


PLACE OF INFECTION: The Sør-Rogaland bus crew slept one night at the Thon Hotel Sandven in Kvam. Three of the employees are now infected and the hotel is temporarily closed. Photography: Hallgeir Vågenes, VG

At least 100 are in quarantine and four have been confirmed infected in the municipalities where the bus stopped with several coronary retirees from Rogaland.

The Sør-Rogaland bus with retirees became a place where corona infection spread rapidly.

Earlier this week, it became known that 33 of the 37 passengers who were in the travel group are infected, and now a new survey by VG shows that infected retirees have also left the coronavirus at stops along the way.

At least 100 people are in quarantine and four have been confirmed infected after close contact with infected passengers on the bus.

The 33 confirmed infected passengers are in isolation. Four passengers, the bus driver and two tour guides, who have not been diagnosed with the infection, are in quarantine.

Dozens are now waiting to be crowned or get answers to the tests they have conducted.

Here the bus stopped:

Two municipalities with confirmed infection

On the six-day bus trip, the tour group had thirteen longer stops.

Two of the municipalities have traced crown-infected residents to the bus with retirees.

Kvam is among the most affected municipalities. There are three infected and up to 48 people have been quarantined.

The three confirmed infected in Kvam are employed at Thon Hotel Sandven, where the tour group lived from 20-21 September.

The hotel will be closed until October 1. Kvam Upper Secondary School is also closed for a week, and a class at the Norheimsund school and an apartment at the Norheimsund kindergarten are closed until Monday. Those who may have a home office are encouraged to do so, the municipality states in a press release.

This is the state of the affected municipalities:

One in an unknown municipality

Of the four confirmed infected by bus passengers, there is one person in one -by VG- unknown municipality.

The person in question is in close contact with one of the retirees from the bus. This person then has close contacts in Kvinnherad, which in turn means that ten people are quarantined there.

On Thursday afternoon, Etne municipality, another stop on the bus journey, reports that 25 people have been quarantined as a result of the bus tour group stopping at a cafe in Åkrafjordtunet earlier this week. writes NRK.

Six are in quarantine in the Etne municipality itself, the rest in neighboring municipalities, the mayor informed VG on Thursday night.

Førde in Sunnfjord municipality is another city that has now had to quarantine people after coming into contact with people from the infection bus.

Nine Helse Førde employees are in quarantine after detection of the infection in the hospital, and seven are in quarantine after detection of the infection by the municipality. Responses are expected for several of the coronation tests on Friday, municipal chief physician Øystein Furnes told VG.

Haukeland Hospital is also affected by contact with bus passengers after a passenger entered the hospital.

Ten employees and four patients are now in quarantine, according to Helse Bergen.

ON A TOUR IN NORWAY: Almost all the passengers who participated in the trip have been infected. Photo: Ingvar’s Travels

Six nights

The infection on the bus was discovered when a woman in her 70s developed acute discomfort during the bus ride and was admitted to a hospital in Førde. News came on Monday that he had tested positive for the coronavirus.

It was on September 15 that the bus left on the six-day journey from Jæren.

The pensioners visited six accommodation establishments on the trip to Eastern Norway, Dovre and Western Norway. All the places where the bus stopped have been contacted to trace infections, the municipal chief in Sandnes told VG on Wednesday.

VG’s conversations with all municipalities confirm that all relevant shutdowns have been reported and are in the process of infection detection work.

The Løten stop, for example, has three in quarantine, but is among the municipalities that consider the least likely to have been infected. That’s because the bus stopped there early in the trip, infection control chief doctor Ketil Egge tells VG.

PLACES TO SEE / VISIT: The bus trip was organized with stops at various places along the route. Here in the area along the Etne, where 25 people are now in quarantine. Photo: Sven Arne Buggeland, VG

– Compliance with the rules

It was the Ingvar’s Travels bus company, run by the couple Silje and Ingvar Landa, who organized the trip. Silje Landa previously described the entourage as a large traveling family and said she regrets that they were infected on the trip.

– I don’t know if we could have done something different, beyond perhaps not traveling. We are very sorry, said Silje Landa, who is also a nurse.

Sandnes municipal chief told VG late Wednesday that the bus company has met current infection control rules.

CORRECT FACT: Tour organizers Silje and Ingvar Landa complied with all applicable infection control rules, confirms the municipal doctor in Sandnes. Photo: private / Silje Landa

Unknown source of infection

It is not yet known how the infection got on board the bus.

The Vold Line of the National Institute of Public Health told VG on Wednesday that they will see the tips and guidance for buses after the bus outbreak.

The collection of GV information from each of the municipalities where the bus stopped was carried out on Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 September.

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