Ask people to avoid accumulations – VG


INFECTION IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS: In Trondheim, many different places and environments are affected by infection. Includes gym, restaurants, nursing homes, Christmas market, and schools. Photo: Stella Bugge

Crisis management in Trondheim is not introducing austerity measures after the capital of Trøndelag has set another bleak record for infections. But they ask that the neighbors avoid the gatherings of people and, among other things, the gyms.


With 44 cases recorded in the last 24 hours, Trondheim is setting another record in a short time for the number of infection cases recorded in a single day.

Crisis management met Tuesday morning and the introduction of new measures was a topic, but they did not introduce any new measures, he writes Adresseavisen. However, they ask people to avoid gyms and gyms to be very careful.

– Some will go there anyway, so it is important that they are especially careful with how many they let in, distance, etc., municipal director Morten Wolden tells the newspaper. In general, the call is to avoid places with meetings of people.

However, measures may need to be introduced later if the infection continues to increase. Crisis management will have several meetings over Christmas.

– If there is more dissemination, we must take other measures than those we have taken today, says the municipal director.

The municipality is currently experiencing high levels of infection and, among other things, has introduced an order for sanitary napkins to combat the virus. You can check the current measurements right now in the VG overview here.

The following graph shows the cases recorded in Trondheim since the start of the pandemic until now. GV figures may deviate a bit from the municipality’s own figures, because we get figures directly from the Infectious Disease Notification System, which are based on where people are registered, not necessarily live:

14 infected people are linked to a nightclub

The municipality also experiences several groups of infection in different settings in the city. Among other things, there are cases of contagion in gyms, restaurants and nightclubs, says the municipality in the press release.

14 infected people can be linked to a nightclub in the city after an infected person visited the place on December 12. Everyone who visited the nightclub on the day in question was subsequently contacted with a quarantine order. Therefore, several of the cases have been detected in people who have been quarantined.

Three of the city’s nursing homes are now affected. At Charlottenlund HVS, six residents and one employee have been diagnosed with infection and the likely route of infection is through an employee without symptoms.

A person who has been standing at a Christmas market stall on December 14 and 15 is also infected.

People who visited the Christmas market in the period 11-18 these days and received tastings are encouraged to pay special attention to their own health status and have a low threshold for detecting symptoms.

It is also among the municipalities in Norway with an increasing tendency to infection. On Monday, the infection trend nationwide also began to increase.
