Artist, Speeding Crime | Famous artist sentenced to unconditional prison for reckless driving


The musician was caught at 108 kilometers per hour in zone 50 on E18. You also have to get by without a driver’s license for an extended period.

OSLO (Nettavisen): The musician in his 50s living in Oslo was sentenced to unconditional prison for 16 days and not allowed to drive a car for 21 months after pushing too hard on the gas pedal on the E18 in Sande in Vestfold in May of this year. The case was heard on Monday as a confession case in the Oslo District Court, and the convicted person adopted the verdict on the spot.

The man was charged with reckless driving after being taken in a measurement that showed 108 km / h in a place where the maximum speed allowed was 50 km / h.

The incident occurred at 9:50 p.m.

Recognized speeding violation

The defendant has admitted to having exceeded the permitted speed limit, but has explained that he did not see the sign with zone 50, which came because he was notified about road works on the site and narrowing of the road.

Click the pic to enlarge.  The musician appeared in Oslo district court charged with rough driving on the E18 in Vestfold.  The picture shows the district court building on the outside.

The musician appeared in Oslo district court charged with rough driving on the E18 in Vestfold.
Photo: Trond Lepperød (Mediehuset Nettavisen)

In court, the artist explained that he did not see the sign with 50 zones, but the court thought that it could not be given weight.

“In the opinion of the court, this cannot be considered as special circumstances with regard to driving, driving conditions or personal circumstances that may indicate a reaction other than the clear starting point mentioned above (unconditional imprisonment, editor’s note).

According to the site’s review and signaling plan, there were several signs warning of road works and the gradual reduction of the speed limit from 110 to 80, 70 and finally 50 kilometers per hour. As the defendant himself explained, there was a narrowing of the highway to a field on the site. In other words, it was the conditions at the site that indicated a reduced speed, in line with the signs »he says at trial.

No dangerous situations arose, but if it had, it would have aggravated the sentence, it is also stated in the sentence.

In addition to the unconditional prison sentence, the man was sentenced to lose the right to drive a motor vehicle for 21 months and must take a new full driving test before he can reacquire his driving license.

“The defendant has explained that he needs a car at work, but the loss of his driver’s license does not seem to be much more burdensome for him than for other people who use a car on a daily basis., the court writes in the sentence.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Attorney John Christian Elden.

Attorney John Christian Elden.
Photo: Farid Ighoubah / Nettavisen

Elden: – I was not attentive.

– Adopted the verdict on the spot to end the case. The court reduced the stall time by two months, so we can see him a little earlier behind the wheel again. Fortunately, the court ruled that he had only been inattentive and deliberately not neglecting the reduced speed sign on the road, says the man’s attorney, John Christian Elden, in an SMS to Nettavisen.

The man himself does not want to comment on the verdict.

Police attorney Maria Weider wrote in an email to Nettavisen last week that she will not comment on the specific case before processing it in court, and that her statements were general in nature.

– When you are found guilty of driving at a speed exceeding 96 km / h in zone 50, there is usually a reaction to unconditional imprisonment. As a starting point, it is assumed that people go unpunished. If the person in question has been previously sanctioned for similar circumstances, this may be aggravated at the time of sentencing. Confession should be emphasized, and a somewhat reduced sentence is usually given, depending on the case and other evidence.

The man is a member of a popular Norwegian band that has been performing for several years and has been at the top of the Norwegian charts.
