Arrests and fights tonight


WASHINGTON (Aftenposten): Police sirens sounded constantly on the streets of Washington DC on Saturday night. At least 20 were arrested.

A member of the militant group Proud Boys in a fight with an antifa protester in Washington. Photo: CARLOS BARRIA, Reuters / NTB

Outside the famous Willard Hotel, a few hundred Trump supporters gathered in a circle. They held hands, prayed to God, and ended the prayer with shouts of “Christ is King” and “four more years.”

Shortly before, anti-Trump protesters had set fireworks at Trump supporters while dining at an open-air restaurant.

Throughout the night, Trump supporters held several demonstrations in the streets. Photo: Kjetil Hanssen

Blocked by large areas

The neighborhoods around the White House were blocked by large forces from Saturday night until Sunday Norwegian time. At most intersections, there were police cars with blue lights. Police and Secret Service agents patrolled in great numbers.

In the streets, thousands of Trump supporters continued to cheer and wave flags. Earlier in the day, they had marched from Freedom Plaza right next to the White House to the Supreme Court.

Battle cry in the dead of night

The battle cries “let’s not steal the elections”, “empty the swamp” and “USA” rang out late into the night. Joe Biden’s electoral victory is the cause of the protests. Trump supporters, like the president, believe that election fraud decided the election.

At the same time, clashes broke out in various places. On the one hand, activists opposed Trump. On the other hand, groups of Trump supporters. Among other things, the Proud Boys and the so-called Antifa protesters barked together.

In the early evening, the city police reported that ten people had been arrested. Later in the evening, it was updated to 20. Among the charges: gun law violations, bodily injury, and assaults on police.

As night fell, more counter-protesters arrived. The groups shouted insults at each other, bottles were thrown at each other and ended up in regular fights with blows and kicks. At least one person was reported to have been stabbed. Police were quickly present during several such incidents and got in between the rioters.

Early Saturday, the president’s procession passed the supporters. I was on my way to a golf course in Virginia. In the evening, Trump continued to tweet allegations of voter fraud.

He later also tweeted about street fights:
