Armored on Støre: – Vinglepetter


The Labor Party came out in Dagbladet on Saturday and advocated that Norway should receive more than 50 asylum seekers from Camp Morial in Greece.

Thus, they outgrew the government with the Conservatives, Christian Democrats, and Liberals.

– We believe that receiving 50 will be very little. Now Norway must show that we participate in the hard work that is required, said the party’s immigration policy spokesman, Masud Gharahkhani.

Jonas Gahr Støre followed up on his speech to the Labor Party’s national board on Tuesday.

– It becomes a bit pointless to say a number. We must find out together with the other European countries. The ceiling of 50 does not make sense when Norwegian municipalities say they have room for the heart and the house, the Labor leader said.

– sensational

The desire of the Labor Party to bring in more asylum seekers from Greece creates strong reactions in the Conservatives and the Progress Party, which refers to the policy adopted by the party.

It states that the Labor Party will give priority to the refugee quota. This was also what the Labor Party was clear to prioritize this spring when the Moria case was discussed at the Storting.

– I don’t understand what the Labor Party wants. When we dealt with Moria’s case at the Storting, they were very clear that there should be a refugee quota. They showed a bit of will, but it is surprising that they now think that 50 is too low when we pick up asylum seekers, says Trellevik, who admits that KrF and the Liberal Party have won in government.

UNDERSTAND ANYTHING: Ove Trellevik (H) is unable to understand what the policy of the Labor Party is. Should they listen to Germany or the municipalities? And should they prioritize the refugee quota or not? Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB
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Trellevik further notes that last year the Labor Party unanimously adopted a new immigration and refugee policy. There, the Labor Party says they will enter into a dialogue with municipalities about how many they want to receive.

– Støre has pointed out that Norway can accept 150 asylum seekers from Moria on the basis of Germany collecting 1500. At the same time, the policy adopted by the party is that they must negotiate with municipalities on the issue of the level of immigration, says Trellevik.

1000 missing refugees

1000 missing refugees

150 or 1000?

Several Norwegian cities and municipalities have said they want to settle the Moria refugees. By the Conservatives tally, promises have been made to liquidate 1,000.

– Is it Germany or the municipalities with which Støre is going to negotiate? asks Trellevik.

In the Progress Party, the frustration is not less by what is perceived as hesitancy on the part of the Labor Party. For Sylvi Listhaug, the cup is now more than full.

– The Labor Party has been a roving seminar on immigration and refugee policy since Jonas Gahr Støre became party leader. Every time there is a massive demand from the asylum lobby, they end up outnumbering the rest in the Labor Party, Listhaug says.

IS HISTORY: Støre believes that the conflict in the party is something they have left behind. Video / photo: Nina Hansen
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Both Trellevik and Listhaug highlight Støre’s speech at the national meeting before the refugee crisis in 2015. Since then, they believe that the Labor Party has constantly changed its position, most recently with Moria.

– We have a very fresh memory that Støre wanted 10,000 for Norway. There were 30,000. The danger is that you send a signal to the Moria migrants that if you burn down the field you live in, they will transfer you to another European country, Listhaug says.

– The Labor Party moves from case to case based on what the media write. They have said that they will help the quota refugees, but now they are talking about migrants going to Norway to have their asylum applications processed. It has become impossible to know what the Labor Party means. It is the result of the party being run by a vinglepetter who has no set course, it is Listhaug’s verdict on Støre.

CONTINUOUS COURSE: Sylvi Listhaug (Frp) believes that the Labor Party has once again turned its back on immigration and refugee policy. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet
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– What does the Labor Party mean?

The governing parties KrF and Venstre also want to accept more from Moria, but Trellevik believes it is different when the Labor Party thinks the same.

– It is not unknown that the Liberal Party and the Christian Democrats have a completely different approach to immigration and refugee policy than the Conservatives, the Labor Party, the Green Party and the Center Party. But none of the other parties I mention waver like the Labor Party, says the conservative man, who sympathizes with Gharahkhani, his colleague in the Labor Party.

Gharahkhani has no authority on these issues internally within his own party. Instead of explaining the need for politics, he and the rest of the leadership kneel before internal opposition. Jonas Gahr Støre should clarify whether the Labor Party policy – which was adopted at the national meeting – is fixed or whether they intend to override the adopted policy. Processing asylum applications in Norway is the exact opposite of what they had previously claimed, says Trellevik.
