Armed police action in Tromsø: two people injured with a knife


Police took action on Wednesday morning at Tomasjordnes in Tromsø, after an incident in which two people were stabbed.

– The police are in control of the perpetrator, writes the operations center on Twitter shortly before 11 o’clock.

Photographs taken by Tomasjordnes around the same period showed heavily armed health personnel and police. According to Nordlys reporter Marius Medby, several of the police officers at the scene were equipped with two-handed weapons.

Handed over to the police

Lennart Steffensen, operations manager in the Troms police district, says that two people were injured and sent to the University Hospital of North Norway (UNN). A man was arrested after he notified police about the incident himself, Steffensen says.

The man is known to the police from previous relationships.

– We are still in the initial phase and new information may still emerge, but from now on we believe we have control over those involved, he says.

– What is the relationship between those involved?

– I have no basis to comment on that now, answers Steffensen, who also cannot say anything about the background to the stabbing other than that it must have been a form of conflict.

Police task force leader Daniel Kvalsund says a total of four people were involved in the incident, where two were injured.

– The aggressor turned himself in to the police when we arrived at the scene. We also have control over the others involved, Kvalsund tells Nordlys.

It happened in the apartment

The violent incident took place inside an apartment. Police are now working to get an overview of the movements of both the perpetrator and the victims before and after the incident.

The police have also carried out investigations inside a kindergarten, but they emphasize that there have been no incidents inside the kindergarten.

– The reason the kindergarten is involved is that one of the injured moved there, says Daniel Kvalsund.

You can also confirm that the stabbing took place in the same block as the kindergarten, but on the upper floors.

Kvalsund will not comment on the sex or age of the victim. The extent of the damage is currently unclear.

ON THE SITE: Police Task Leader Daniel Kvalsund.

ON THE SITE: Chief of Police, Daniel Kvalsund. Photo:
