Another person was found dead in the landslide area in Gjerdrum


– A person has been discovered who, unfortunately, has been confirmed dead. I don’t get a chance to say anything about sex or age. We should get back to that later, police task force leader Roy Alkvist said at an urgent press conference just before 2 p.m. Saturday.

The find was made less than 100 meters into the landslide area after being tagged by a team of dogs.

– Findings have been made based on the probability calculations we did last night in relation to where the search is set up today, Alkvist said.

Thus, two dead have been found in the area of ​​the landslide. Eight people have not yet been counted.

Air bags can give hope

Search teams say they still have hope of finding survivors in airbags.

– Medically, you can survive several days if you have air. So as long as you have airbags, it is still possible to survive, said Police Chief Ida Melbo Øystese in the East police district at a press conference in Gjerdrum at 12 on Saturday.

It has been cold and snowed for periods in Gjerdrum since the avalanche spread through Wednesday night. It can affect the probability of survival in the avalanche.

– The forces of nature are not on our side. And time is not on our side either, Øystese said.

Facts about the landslide in Gjerdrum

* Police are notified of the landslide at Ask in Gjerdrum just before 3.59 on Wednesday night, January 30.

* Ten injured are treated after the landslide, one of them is described as seriously injured.

* On Wednesday afternoon, the Police say that 26 people have not been counted after the landslide. The number is reduced several times throughout the day, and on Wednesday night ten people obtain the status of missing.

* The extensive rescue operation is in full swing, but none of the missing will be found Thursday.

* On Friday afternoon, one person was found dead in the landslides. The person has not yet been identified.

* On Saturday, the rescue operation is in full force. Police say they are still looking for survivors.

* Shortly before 2 pm on Saturday, the Police report that another person has been found dead in the area of ​​the landslide.

Waiting for air bags in houses

Landslides have a liquid mass where there are generally not many pockets of air. However, Police Chief Øystese is aware that there may be air pockets in some of the houses that have been taken over by the avalanche and are still partially intact.

– This is what we are working on now. And as long as we have specific job tasks that need to be done in order to provide greater certainty about the decision on how long we’ll last, we’ll continue, Øystese said.

Rescue teams with rescue dog in activity at the Ask landslide area in Gjerdrum on Saturday.  Photo: Tor Erik Schrøder / NTB

Rescue teams with rescue dog active in the landslide area at Ask in Gjerdrum on Saturday. Photo: Tor Erik Schrøder / NTB

It is your job to make the decision on when the search will no longer focus on finding landslide survivors.

– But now we are not, said the police chief.

Three teams to use in the landslide area

Three of the so-called use teams worked in the landslide area in Gjerdrum on Saturday to search for the missing. Use means urban search and rescue.

– The rescue operation is in full swing. As of now, there are three different use teams working within the landslide area, as well as dog teams. There are USAR teams from Trøndelag, Oslo and Nedre Romerike, as well as dog teams from the Oslo police district that are now in the landslide area, Alkvist said at the 12 o’clock press conference.

There are also health resources.

Early Saturday, it became clear that the Swedish USAR team that has been in Gjerdrum, will return to Sweden after the Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning announced that it currently has sufficient resources.

They have examined cars in the avalanche.

According to Alkvist, searches on Saturday are conducted according to probability calculations of where people are expected to be.

– Among other things, they have managed to get into a couple of cars that have been examined.

Alkvist added that the use of pavement of the Armed Forces, a special vehicle, in the area is still being considered.
