Announced closures and dismissal of the boss: Now Plantasjen fights back with force


After years of heavy losses and a surprising exit for the technical top, Plantasjen is now putting out big numbers. The reason is the coronavirus.

At the beginning of the year, there seemed to be total chaos at the Plantation. The company suffered huge losses towards the end of last year, announced closures and said there were bigger ones.

Furthermore, Platansjen’s boss, Olav Thorstad, had to leave after just eight months, as a result of disagreements with the company that owns Ratos.

– The owner and I have had a discussion about what it takes to be successful and what is the correct and natural way to go. We disagree, Thorstad said.

Well, however, everything is much better. The sale has risen NOK 500 million year-to-date to NOK 3.88 billion, and the company has an operating profit from write-offs of NOK 604 million for the first nine months of the year, compared to NOK 49 million for the full year past. Now it must be said that that result was hit hard by a catastrophically weak fourth quarter, but Plantasjen is likely to double last year’s result.

Ratos writes that Plantasjen’s improvement was driven by customer growth and higher sales per customer.

“Better deals for customers and store operations also drove sales. The Covid-19 pandemic had a positive effect on the sales of Plantasjen ”, it is also stated.

Precisely the latter is another key point, as many more people have had time for gardening, while Norway has closed and many other leisure activities are not available.

As DN wrote earlier this year, hobbies, houses, and gardens have been the winners during the pandemic.
