Anne-Elisabeth Hagen, Tom Hagen | Tom Hagen in questioning: a family member hoped that Anne-Elisabeth had been deceived by a religious sect


Tom Hagen also explained to the police that he couldn’t understand that Anne-Elisabeth should leave him voluntarily.

23 months after Anne-Elisabeth Hagen disappeared without a trace from her home in Lørenskog, on the outskirts of Oslo, the police are still working hard to solve the mystery.

The police believe that what should be her last sign of life is a short phone call, lasting about 90 seconds, that she had with her son at 09.14 – 09.16 on the day of the disappearance on October 31, 2018.

The online newspaper has gained access to new and previously unknown information about Tom Hagen’s explanation when asked last winter what could be the reason Anne-Elisabeth Hagen had disappeared.

Here you can read more articles on the disappearance case in Lørenskog.

– Increased likelihood of returning

Her husband Tom Hagen is charged with murder or complicity in this. He has always denied any involvement in the disappearance.

Two months before he was himself arrested and charged in the case, Tom Hagen was questioned by the police. The subject was the reasons Anne-Elisabeth should have voluntarily disappeared, Nettavisen is told.

Also read: – Anne-Elisabeth totally disinterested in money and wealth

Click the pic to enlarge.  Tom Hagen denies having anything to do with the disappearance.  The photo is from a previous occasion.

Tom Hagen denies having anything to do with the disappearance. The photo is from a previous occasion.
Photo: Morgan Andersen / Romerikes Blad

A few weeks before the questioning in question, Nettavisen had covered the news about the four main theories of the police in the case, one of which was precisely that Anne-Elisabeth had voluntarily disappeared.

– There may also be a nuance between a voluntary disappearance and a murder. He may have been the victim of an accident somewhere, police inspector Tommy Brøske told Nettavisen last winter.

The online newspaper is informed that Tom Hagen admitted to the investigator that the voluntary disappearance was one of the first things he thought about in the first period after the disappearance. I also hoped it was so.

“It could make her come back,” he told investigators who questioned him.

This was also something “that he thought carefully about from day one.”

Later in the questioning, Tom Hagen explained that he had spoken to a family member who told him that he hoped Anne-Elisabeth would be deceived by a religious sect, he had seen it on television.

“Then there will be a greater chance that he will return,” repeated Tom Hagen.

Also read: Therefore, the police believe that the threat letter is not genuine

The communication adviser in the Eastern Police District, Marita Hetlelid, writes in an email to Nettavisen that the prosecutor and other key people in the investigation do not have the opportunity to answer the questions we send them before next week due to vacation cancellations.

Tom Hagen: Must have disappeared 09.30 – 10.00

“There is nothing in the house that I can understand or have thought in hindsight that could be a sign that she should go. [meg] voluntarily, ”Tom Hagen told police.

The online newspaper is informed that investigators have disputed Tom Hagen’s explanations of a voluntary disappearance. At least two of them are said to have argued last fall that this part of the explanation has no logical connection to the explanations about the alleged kidnappers and the threatening letter that Tom Hagen found at his home on the day of the disappearance.

On questioning, Tom Hagen also explained that there was nothing about her relationship with other people that he could see should be the reason why she wanted to voluntarily disappear.

He also understood little that someone wanted to kidnap Anne-Elisabeth.

Tom Hagen’s defender, star attorney Svein Holden, does not want to comment on the case.

In a review of Anne-Elisabeth’s daily routines, Tom Hagen explained in questioning that the disappearance must have taken place between 09:30 and 10:00, Nettavisen was informed.

This is justified by the fact that he himself left Sloraveien 4, the home of the Hagen couple which, according to the police, is the place of the murder, around 09:00. During questioning, Tom Hagen reasoned up to the time of the disappearance that an accounting clerk from Tom Hagen’s company and other relatives had had contact with Anne-Elisabeth until 9:16 a.m. on the day of the disappearance.

Read also: This is how Anne-Elisabeth is described by Tom Hagen in an interrogation

Click the pic to enlarge.  Tom Hagen's defender, attorney Svein Holden.

Star attorney Svein Holden represents Tom Hagen.
Photo: Fredrik Hagen / NTB scanpix

After this time, several family members had tried unsuccessfully to contact her, reports Nettavisen. It is also said that a craftsman called Anne-Elisabeth at 09:48 without getting in touch, something she has told VG.

The online newspaper previously reported on the news that Tom Hagen called Anne-Elisabeth eight times in three hours in the morning and in the afternoon on the day of the disappearance. According to Nettavisen’s sources, the reason was that he was concerned for her when he received no response. He thought she might be in a bad mood or even dead. Tom Hagen himself explained this in questioning.

Tom Hagen had agreed to call Anne-Elisabeth about an hour after her arrival at work to clarify whether they should go to the Kvitfjell cabin. When he received no reply from his wife, he drove home and returned to Sloraveien 4 around 1:30 PM.

Police believe that he disappeared between 4:00 and 1:30 p.m.

Also read: These are the new investigations that the police will do in the house

“It must have happened at that time”

The reason why Tom Hagen believes that she must have disappeared between 09:30 and 10:00, he explained in questioning:

“XX (family member, editor’s note) said he called [Anne-Elisabeth] between 09:30 and 10:00. XX said that Anne-Elisabeth had picked up the phone and concluded that there was no cabin trip to Lillehammer »Tom Hagen explained in questioning.

“So it must have happened during that time, just,” he explained.

The online newspaper is familiar with the police sitting on the correspondence showing that the family member never called, but did send text messages with Anne-Elisabeth. Tom Hagen has not been said to believe it was a phone call and not an SMS.

The first time he called Anne-Elisabeth himself that day was at 10:06, but there was no answer. During the interrogation, he explained that it was planned that he would call his wife to clarify the trip to the cabin.

At 13:18 he called for the last time with the same result.

For several months, the police investigated the disappearance as a kidnapping case. In early June last year, the police went on to investigate it as a murder case. At the end of the same month, it was announced that the police had changed their main theory.

In April this year, he was arrested and charged with murder after months of secret investigation, including secret wiretapping.

– The police now think that there has been no actual kidnapping. Therefore, the police believe that the case is characterized by a clearly planned hoax, said police inspector Tommy Brøske after Tom Hagen’s arrest.

Police also believe that the threatening letter that Tom Hagen found when he returned home on the day of the disappearance is not real.

But the Court of Appeal thought that the police did not have sufficient evidence against him and Tom Hagen was released after ten nights in prison.

Anne-Elisabeth had no interest in money and wealth.

Police believe finances may be a possible motive for Tom Hagen getting rid of his wife. The online newspaper has previously mentioned that he has been questioned about the couple’s marriage pact in questioning, which police lawyers believe is biased and favors.

Hagen has been asked about the marriage covenant both with offended status in the case and after he was arrested and given accused status.

– In our opinion, it is very natural that the marriage contract has been questioned, both when it was offended and accused. It is a case involving a spouse who is missing and the remainder is charged with murder or complicity in murder, former prosecutor in the case, Haris Hrenovica, told Nettavisen earlier this year.

According to Kapital, Tom Hagen should be good for September 2020 for two billion crowns. When Anne-Elisabeth Hagen disappeared on October 31, 2018, she was said to be worth NOK 1.7 billion.

Also read: Anne-Elisabeth Hagen in unknown SMS: expressed that she was upset by Tom Hagen on the wedding day before disappearing

The latest tax figures available for Anne-Elisabeth Hagen, from 2018, show a taxable income of 273,000 crowns and a fortune of 172,000.

Currently there is a total clash and mistrust between Tom Hagen, the three adult children and the police. Neither Hagen nor the children want to appear in new interrogations.

In previous police statements, Tom Hagen has said that Anne-Elisabeth had no interest in money and wealth. He has also described her in positive terms and said that she is social, popular and that it was a destination for them to get married.

A man in his 30s is also an accessory to the case. Formally he is accused of complicity in aggravated prison. He denies any involvement in the case.
