Andreas Wahl won Shall we dance:


After 12 intense weeks of hard-hitting dance sessions and harrowing live broadcasts, it was finally time for the final of this year’s Skal vi danse.

This year’s finalists were physicist and host Andreas Wahl (37) and reality show contestant Nathan “Nate” Kahungu (24), after host Marte Bratberg (31) lost their dance duel last Saturday against Wahl and get third place.

Although Fornebu was empty of public, the finalists put on a great final show.

After three dancers each danced, it was finally Wahl and his dance partner Mai Mentzoni (26) who won this year’s Skal vi dance.

– I’m very surprised. I want to thank TV 2, everyone who voted, I want to thank Mai. There are also three pieces at home that have had a bad time, so now I am very happy to be back home, said Wahl when the result was clear.

2020 WINNERS: Wahl and Mentzoni won Shall We Dance 2020.

2020 WINNERS: Wahl and Mentzoni won Shall we dance 2020. Photo: Espen Solli / TV 2

See Andreas and Mai’s latest winning dance in Shall we dance on top of the box.

Don’t you dare hope

When Good Evening Norway talks to the winning couple, there is a slight smile on their face.

– It feels unreal, I didn’t dare to hope. Nate and Helene got absolutely fantastic scores from the judges, but I knew the home audience had something to say. So I thought they were the ones who got it, says Wahl.

Past entrants on finalists: – I judged him as the first man out

Still, he had little hope that they would make their way through the television screen and reach the home of the Norwegians.

– Maybe they wanted to vote for us. I’m very grateful for that.

Hear the roar of victory from Wahl and Mentzoni more on the case.

Wahl is very grateful to his dance partner Mentzoni, and all they have experienced together in Shall We Dance.

– I want to thank you for all the experiences, everything you have taught me, not only the dance but also the rest. And if you need something in May, if there is something I can contribute, here I am, he says.

– I just want to thank you for showing so much respect for this, for being a great person who supports me and others. I am very grateful, she replies.

GRATEFUL: Wahl thanks his dance partner Menztoni, and he's not far away to dance more together, at a great party.

GRATEFUL: Wahl thanks his dance partner Menztoni, and he’s not far away to dance more together, at a great party. Photo: Espen Solli / TV 2

Ready to go home

When the couple had danced their last dance, Wahl shed a few tears.

– It meant that a long journey has come to an end. I’ve learned a lot, and that means we were able to convey what we were trying to achieve at our last dance. And it ends up coming home, and I’m really looking forward to it.

Wahl told Good Evening Norway earlier this week that it has been difficult at home, during Shall We Dance.

See all the final dances below in the case.

– No bitterness

Kahungu and her dance partner Helene Spilling (24) have been the favorites to win the entire competition. Still, he had to be beaten at the finish line on Saturday night.

Shall we dance-Nate: – The body is completely run

– It’s bitter to stumble at the finish line, but it wasn’t either. We got the highest score from the judges. Technically we tried our best, but it didn’t serve them at home, and that’s totally understandable, Kahungu tells Good evening Norway.

He believes there are more people who recognize themselves in the journey that Andreas has taken and what he has delivered.

– I do that too. Without a doubt, it is a worthy winner. There is no bitterness at all.

It was a surprise when Kahungu and Spilling pulled out of the competition earlier this fall. But after it became clear that there had been voice problems during the broadcast, the pair were allowed to return to the Shall We Dance universe.

– I’m waiting for a phone call tomorrow that says: It was a problem to vote, Nate, you actually won, he jokes.

CLOSING: Kahungu and Spilling have become close friends during Shall We Dance's time.

CLOSING: Kahungu and Spilling have become close friends during Shall We Dance’s time. Photo: Espen Solli / TV 2

This is Spilling’s first season on Shall We Dance as a professional dancer. Kahungu is grateful that she has become his partner.

– Helene has been a rock, she has been the best. She has been the best and the worst, but most of the best, because she has seen me when I have felt that I do not do things, and she has raised me and has had faith in me. Without her, he wouldn’t have been here today, he says.

They should marry if they won: – Everything was timed and arranged

Spilling believes that Kahungu must have faith in himself all the time, even when he feels like he can’t.

– If you work hard enough, you will achieve it. And you’ve shown it to me for weeks in a row. You just have to be yourself, because you light up people’s daily lives. You have illuminated my daily life for many months, he tells an excited Kahungu.

Final kiss

Before the finale, Kahungu and Spilling speculated on this week’s episode of Dansebobla about a final kiss.

However, it seemed to be absent on the ground.

– That was if we won! So considering we didn’t win, there will be no final kiss, says Kahungu, and gives Spilling a kiss on the forehead.

See what Kahungu will do after Shall We Dance, in the video below.

– Very high level

After the couples danced for the first half of the final broadcast, Judge Merete Lingjærde was clear on one thing:

– It is completely uniform and of an incredibly high level. Both show a good progression and offer a very high level. The points we give don’t really mean anything in the big picture, he told Good Evening Norway, who was present in Fornebu last night.

Colleague Trine Dehli Cleve agreed with Lingjærde and thought it was very nice to see that the couples behaved so well.

Final dances this year

Both dance couples performed three dances each, with the first being a wish award from one of the dances the couples had previously danced in competition.

1. Participant of the reality show Øystein Lihaug Solberg (24) and dance partner Maria Lie Ramella (24).

2. Artist Fred Buljo (32) and dance partner Lillian Aasebø (27).

3. Influencers Kristin Gjelsvik (33) and dance partner Catalin Andrei Mihu (26).

4. TV presenter and profile Synnøve Skarbø (49) and dance partner Santino Mirenna (28).

5. Participant of the reality show Nathan Kahungu (24) and dance partner Helene Spilling (24). The pair were brought back to the competition, due to voting problems during the broadcast.

6. Youtube Agnete «Agnetesh» Husebye (24) and dance partner Bjørn Wettre Holthe (39), and radio profile and comedian Siri Kristiansen (42) and dance partner Tarjei Svalastog (22). Two couples had to leave the competition, when Kahungu and Spilling rejoined the competition, after the voting problems of the previous week.

7. Athlete Birgit Skarstein (31) and dance partner Philip Raabe (20).

8. Radio profile of Michael Andreassen (48 years old and dance partner Ewa Trela ​​(41).

9. Ski legend Thomas Alsgaard (28) and his dance partner Rikke Lund (25).

10. Presenter Marte Bratberg (31) and dance partner Benjamin Jayakoddy (26).

Wahl and Mentzoni danced to a rerun of the film’s nightly broadcast in week three. They danced the rumba to the Lion King song Can You Feel The Love Tonight.

The referees were very excited about Wahl, and how much he has developed and impressed them throughout the season.

– I’ve seen so much dancing in you since day one. This is a dance that is connected, in a beautiful association with Mai, said Judge Merete Lingjærde.

Wahl and Mentzoni scored 38 points for their rumba.

Kahungu and Spilling danced a repetition of their Argentine tango. When they performed it in the quarterfinals, the dance couple filled the pot. But they didn’t let that scare them, and Spilling thought they’d do even better this time.

Judge Trine Dehli Cleve pointed out that it was difficult to choose this dance again, but she thought they did even better this time.

Kahungu and Spilling got, once again, a full boat for their Argentine tango.

In the couples’ final second dance, the judges gave them a dance that they wanted to see again.

Wahl and Mentzoni had to dance like this cha cha cha. For Bruno Mars’ 24k Magic, Wahl opened the show, alone. Judge Egor Filipenko was impressed.

– For the opening of a dance! You, alone, on the violin, you just stand up to rock. It’s great to see how good you’ve become. and the confidence he has in what he does, he said.

They got 39 points for their second final dance.

The judges wanted to see Kahungu and Spilling dancing a new slowfox, in their second final dance. After delivering a slow romance, the judges were delighted with the performance.

– After 14 seasons, I have never seen a person fill the music as well as you. It is absolutely exceptional. Slowfox sucks. I have goose bumps, he’s sick. You really have a talent for dance, Filipenko said.

Lingjærde went on and said that Kahungu and Spilling have become a dance couple.

– Your mother is probably incredibly proud now, and so am I, she said.

Kahungu and Spilling had a full pot and 40 points for their slowfox.

As their last dance on Shall We Dance, Wahl and Mentzoni performed a dance show to the song Hope You Have a Place by Cezinando.

Wahl wanted to focus on how long the mobile phone takes for people and who wants to be present in everyday life.

Dehli Cleve thought Wahl and Mentzoni summed up Shall We Dance’s journey well in the dance show.

– You show emotion and offer yourself, your association with Mai, the music, just everything, he said.

The couple finished in the best possible way and earned 40 points for their dance show.

Kahungu and Spilling ended the season of Shall We Dance with a dance performance featuring the song Dance Monkey by Tones And I.

Initially, Kahungu talked about how the song can be linked to being a monkey, something that he himself has felt in life. With this dance I wanted to change the focus to something positive. That impressed the judges.

– We finished. Shall we dance with joy, dance and full spirit? Hooray for you! I love it, said Dehli Cleve.

The pair once again received a full pot from the judges, with 40 points.

You can watch this year’s Skal dance season I saw on TV 2 Sumo whenever you want.

You can also see what has happened behind the scenes at Dansebobla, when you want to watch TV 2 Sumo.
