Amy Cooper charged with false accusation after denouncing black bird watchers


Amy Cooper is said to have called the emergency number twice and made false accusations against a black bird watcher in Central Park in New York. On Wednesday, she had to answer for herself in court.

Amy Cooper was asked to abide by the restraining order in Central Park in New York. She then called the police and claimed that a black man, Christian Cooper, had threatened her. The photo is from the video Christian Cooper took of the incident. Photo: Christian Cooper / Christian Cooper

Amy Cooper is the white woman who called the NYPD in May of this year to report a black bird watcher in Central Park. She claimed that the bird watcher threatened her.

Bird watcher Christian Cooper, however, filmed the entire incident and was able to document that he did not act as a threat in any way.

The incident occurred when he was asked to respect the restraining order in an area of ​​Central Park where he was staying to watch birds.

Amy Cooper was furious and called the police immediately. She claimed that she was threatened. The video, on the other hand, shows that Christian Cooper seemed calm and was nowhere near threatening her.

The May video went viral and became a worldwide example of everyday racism.

The incident has also become a kind of documentation of a phenomenon referred to by the US media as “Karen.” A “Karen” is a middle-aged suburban white woman who calls the police on the least thing and blows the incident out of proportion.

– There is a man, an African American, who is filming me. He threatens my dog ​​and me. Is a African American man. I’m in Central Park and he’s filming me and threatening me and my dog, Amy Cooper repeats in the video that black bird watcher Christian Cooper recorded when he called the police.

The dog owner and the bird watcher are not related to each other despite having the same last name.

For Americans of color, threats to call the police can be very intimidating. African Americans know that they are particularly vulnerable to police violence. A white woman who claims to have been threatened with death by a black man can count on a quick response.

The video was also released on the same day that Minnesota police killed African-American George Floyd.

Lost his job

Amy Cooper’s employer, the Franklin Templeton finance company, reacted strongly to the video and fired her. Later, Amy Cooper apologized for what she did.

On Wednesday, there was a digital court hearing in Manhattan Criminal Court where Amy Cooper explained herself on video due to coronary restrictions, writes CNN.

During the court hearing, it emerged that Amy Cooper had called the police twice with fake reviews from Christian Cooper. Previously, there has only been one emergency call that has been publicly known.

According to the prosecutor, Amy Cooper claimed in the second emergency call that Christian Cooper had tried to attack her, writes The New York Times.

Can escape from prison

Amy Cooper is now in dialogue with the prosecution about a “plea deal”, a sentence of confession, so that she can avoid serving a sentence behind the walls. The prosecutor Joan Illuzzi declared it in court.

He said Amy Cooper had abused the police in a “racially offensive” way, that the criticism was “designed to scare.”

He said the prosecution is trying to find a solution to the case, which will mean that Amy Cooper publicly apologizes and takes responsibility for what she has done. And that it should go through an educational program.

The parties have been given until November 17 to agree on an agreement.

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