Alto will get vaccinated now


A recent survey shows that 4 out of 10 Norwegians do not want to get vaccinated against COVID-19 now. This is in contrast to the traditionally strong belief of the Norwegian population in vaccines. Health Minister Bent Høie answers Dagbladet’s questions in cash.

– Would you be willing to get vaccinated against the coronavirus if it were available next week?

– Yes of course! When a vaccine is offered in Norway, it has been approved by the pharmaceutical authorities and thoroughly tested so that we can be sure that it works and that we are familiar with the common side effects, Høie tells Dagbladet.

Too early

It’s only a few months away for a vaccine against covid-19. The most optimistic estimates show that a vaccine can be approved in 2020 and that Norway can start vaccination in early 2021.

Experts agree that the main reason for the survey results is probably that the population knows that there will not be a vaccine that is approved for use in the population until next week.

– I think the results are due to the fact that they were asked to get vaccinated next week. Many people know that the main vaccine candidates are still in phase three, and that this data will take time to complete and analyze, Gunnveig Grødeland, researcher from the Department of Immunology and Transfusion Medicine at the University of Oslo, tells Dagbladet.

Alto will get vaccinated now


Høie says the consequences of low participation in vaccination depend on the types of vaccines approved.

Some vaccines can reduce the risk of serious disease among people in risk groups, and then it is more important that most of them are vaccinated, according to Høie. While other vaccines can protect against infection, a larger proportion of the population must be vaccinated.

– It can affect the lives of all of us if we do not achieve herd immunity. So those who are in risk groups must live with the danger that they can become seriously ill and in the worst case die, while those of us who are not in risk groups must live with restrictions in daily life. This vaccine can help all of us return to a more normal and safe life.

GREAT FAITH: Health Minister Bent Høie has great faith that Norwegians get vaccinated against covid-19 if recommended. Photograph: Bjørn Langsem / Dagbladet
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The survey was conducted by Ipsos on behalf of Dagbladet and 926 people participated. The results show that 49 percent respond that they are willing to receive a Covid-19 vaccine if it is available next week. 39% answer that they are not willing to do it, while 12% are not sure.

The skepticism of the Norwegian population about a COVID-19 vaccine is supported by another recent survey prepared by Ipsos, where 28 percent of the population responded that it is unlikely, or not likely, that they will get vaccinated against COVID-19 if it is available. . 61 percent of the population responded that it is very or quite probable.

– I think it is great that a majority want to be vaccinated against covid-19 and I understand that many are a little undecided because we still do not have an approved vaccine, says the Minister of Health and adds that two thirds of the population must be immune to the virus so that we achieve herd immunity.

Norway aims to vaccinate 75% of people at risk and 50% of the remaining population.

VACCINE: On Tuesday morning, Health Minister Bent Høie declared that Norway aims to vaccinate 75 percent of the population in the risk group and 50 percent of the rest of the adult population. This could happen during 2021.
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The Minister of Health highlights the importance of informing the population about the development of candidate vaccines and the effects of a vaccine when it is approved. It also means being open about side effects and risk, Høie says.

– Vaccination will be voluntary and then people can make the right decisions for themselves and in solidarity with others. We do not have a tradition of compulsory vaccination in Norway; we have never needed it because support for vaccination has been very high. In fact, it has increased in recent years, Høie says and concludes:

– Therefore, I have great faith that many will also take a vaccine against covid-19, if it is recommended.
