All districts of Oslo are red


On Sunday, 15 of Oslo’s 15 districts turned red, as the Vestre Aker district has registered more than 20 infected per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days.

Preliminary figures from the Oslo municipality show that 68 new cases were registered on Thursday, 54 cases on Friday, 40 cases on Saturday and 22 cases on Sunday.

Bydel Gamle Oslo, St. Hanshaugen and Sagene are the most affected with more than 100 infected per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days.

OVERVIEW: Below is a summary of the number of infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days in each district. Photo: Municipality of Oslo
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Infection among the elderly

Irene Teslo, the district chief physician in Old Oslo, told Dagbladet on Saturday that it could be more work to stop the spread of the infection now than it was in late March, after the measures were put in place.

– The amount of work to try to limit the spread of the infection is now greater at the municipal level. Now the goal is to keep society open for as long as possible, among other things to take care of the social, Teslo told Dagbladet.

The district superintendent also said they have seen cases of infection among 70-year-olds in the Old Oslo district. At the same time, it is still observed that it is mainly young adults in their 20s who are infected in Oslo and Norway.
