Ahmed (22) was expelled from Norway


EXPELLED FROM NORWAY: Ahmed Imini, 22 years old. Photo: Gisle Oddstad

OUT OF THE MYTHS (VG) Although Ahmed Imini (22) refused to stay in Stord, he is trying to return to Norway.

Surrounded by people from the Moria camp, VG meets Ahmed, who has spent two years at Stord in Norway, but was rejected by the UDI.

Although he was sent back to Afghanistan, he has not given up the dream of returning.

– I want to go back to Norway. I have my church there, he tells VG.

He explains that he converts to Christianity and has a lot of contact with his old environment in Norway.

READY: Greek police deal with immigrants. Photo: Gisle Oddstad

He now lives on the streets with migrants and refugees from Moria on Lesbos. After being sent back to Afghanistan, the 22-year-old went to Iran and saw Turkey.

– It was very, very difficult in Turkey.

He has been in the Moria camp for seven months, which burned until Wednesday night.

– We have no food or medicine. We live on the streets, he says.

At the same time that Ahmed talks to VG, there are large demonstrations among the people who have left the burned camp. Many are angry and are demanding better living conditions. All around him, the police are ready to quell a riot.

It has started to burn in the nearby vegetation where people from the burned camp are demonstrating against the new camp that the Greek authorities are setting up.

It is unclear if the fire is lit. The fire service is working to extinguish the fire, which appears to be spreading.

FIRE: It began to burn in the vegetation near where the migrants demonstrated for the second day in a row on Saturday. Photo: Gisle Oddstad

People who left Moria after the great fire on Wednesday night are demonstrating on the second day. Many of them argue that they want to get out of Greece. At the same time, those present shout that they will not be placed in a new camp.

The Greek authorities are in the process of establishing the new camp some distance from the Moria camp that burned down. The rebel police are ready to put down a rebellion should it occur. The situation is very tense.

IN GREECE: Gisle Oddestad and Jenny-Linn Lohne are the VG team on Lesbos. Photo: Gisle Oddstad

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