Agreement on state settlement – strike avoided – E24


Six hours overtime, the parties to the wage agreement in the state agreed to a new collective agreement. The result is within the frame of the front subject.

The Minister of Local Government and Modernization, Nikolai Astrup, is pleased that the strike was avoided

Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB

– We are pleased that it was possible to achieve a result in the frontal thematic framework of 1.7 percent, says the Minister of Local Government and Modernization Nikolai Astrup (H) about the salary arrangement in the state.

Lise Åserud / NTB


The four main associations LO, YS, Unio and Akademikerne dedicated six hours of overtime to find a solution in mediation with the state.

– I am glad that we have reached an agreement with the four main associations in the settlement of wages in the state. In this way we have avoided a strike, says the Minister of Local Government and Modernization Nikolai Astrup (H).

LO: – Disappointed

The result is within the framework of the frontal subject of 1.7 percent, and leader Pål N. Arnesen at YS Stat says he is satisfied with it.

– The state initially rejected all our financial demands, so this shows that this mediation has been useful, says Arnesen.

For those organized in LO Stat, everyone is given a general supplement between NOK 1,321 and 5,753. The salary supplement will be applied from October 1.

– We come out with a result where we get a general addition for everyone, but where the distribution profile is disappointing. We just have to say that. I am disappointed that the state is not taking more responsibility for its lower wages and equal pay, says leader Egil André Aas LO Stat.

– Local maneuvering space

Although negotiator Guro Elisabeth Lind at Unio stat is not satisfied with the result, she emphasizes that the organization has been concerned about assuming social responsibility in a difficult situation for the Norwegian economy and working life.

– The result of mediation is not something we rejoice in, but it is an acceptable result for our members in a very special collective agreement, Lind says.

Leader Anders Kvam at Akademikerne stat notes that they have achieved local leeway, even with a moderate financial salary arrangement.

– The text of the agreement has been adjusted so that there is a greater focus on finding appropriate local solutions on how local negotiations are carried out, says Kvam.

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