After five miscarriages, one stillbirth and a normal delivery, she found out what was wrong with her.


The first time Laila Lovise Bjølgerud had a miscarriage, she was 31 years old.

She and her husband Audun wanted to start a family.

After five miscarriages, one stillbirth and a normal delivery, she found out what was wrong with her.

He had reached menopause.

– If I had known more, I would have started having children earlier, says Laila Lovise Bjølgerud (40). She had to have five miscarriages and one stillbirth before being diagnosed.

Laila Lovise Bjølgerud always knew that she wanted to be a mother.

At the age of eight, he brought the babies into the neighborhood. At the age of 11, she took care of two young children. At 16, she worked as a day mother.

After studying in Australia, he returned to his hometown, Bodø. There he met Audun. They became partners, and after a few years they wanted to start a family.

– I was only 31, so I never thought it would be difficult to have children, says the merchant.

Becoming a mother was going to be a long and painful battle for Laila. Because inside his body another process was already underway.

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