Adrian (4) without grandmother on Christmas Eve


Adrian (4) is not allowed to celebrate Christmas Eve with his grandmother, which he had been looking forward to.

Neither did the rest of the family, like last year. Only he and Mom will be home in the Oslo apartment.

Adrian’s difficult weeks before Christmas are about young children who also become seriously ill from corona and covid-19, the domino effects when those infected are too close to others and the importance of avoiding those close to them.

And that a negative test result does not guarantee 100 percent that you are healthy without being a carrier of the infection.

CHRISTMAS 2019: Adrián celebrates the big day with grandmother Gabriela and mother Carla.  Photo: Private.

CHRISTMAS NIGHT 2019: Adrián celebrates the big day with grandmother Gabriela and mother Carla. Photo: Private.
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– Like many other adults, I had the impression that children do not get very sick from covid-19. Now Adrian and I have learned that it is not true, says mother Carla Moen (37).

Now it is she who is infected and quarantined at home with her son.

– I’m healthy, you’re sick, says a smiling 4-year-old as Dagbladet meets mother and son at a reassuring distance under the Etterstad veranda.

40.2 and fever

He didn’t smile the seven days that he was at his worst. The fever went straight to a grueling 40.2 degrees.

The Corona mother and son experiences have been going on relentlessly since late November.

First, the daycare department for Adrian and the other 20 children was closed because one of the adults was diagnosed with an infection. Adrián was healthy and had company in quarantine at the home of his mother Carla. She had to take time off from her job as a dermatologist. Other parents also had to change jobs taking care of the children.

Adrian and company were ready to go to kindergarten again.

The entire kindergarten was closed for a week. Several of the adults had been infected.

Adrian and the rest went back to kindergarten for a week before there were any more problems.

Seven horrible days

Adrian spent the night with a friend from daycare and his family when mother Carla went to work at night.

A few days later, the mother of the family who stayed overnight called. She had been infected, probably by a family friend the weekend before.

Tests showed that both the family’s son overnight and Adrian were also infected.

The kindergarten department was closed again.

– Adrian was very young with a fever and pain all over his body. He vomited the first few days. Then he got fungus in his mouth and many rashes. It was the result of the virus infection, the doctor said. After a few days he got diarrhea.

– Only on the eighth day was he more than usual. And before this he has been healthy as a fish, without the so-called underlying diseases, the mother describes.

He commends the infection monitoring team and the close monitoring of the health team in the Bjerke district.

Negative, but still contagious

Then she too was put to the test.

- I'M HEALTHY - YOU'RE SICK: Now Adrian is healthy again after difficult days with the covid-19 infection.  The mother has taken over the infection and the quarantine enters the first days of Christmas: Photo: Hans Arne Vedlog / Dagbladet.

– I’M HEALTHY – YOU’RE SICK: Now Adrian is healthy again after difficult days with the covid-19 infection. The mother has taken over the infection and the quarantine enters the first days of Christmas: Photo: Hans Arne Vedlog / Dagbladet.
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– The first test was negative, that is, no proven infection. I couldn’t settle for that. Although he was not in the risk group with old diseases, he would have been very close to Adrian, he says.

Then a new test, the one prescribed five days after the first. Result: Carla was also infected with covid-19.

Disagreement over childhood infection

Disagreement over childhood infection

Softer for mom

– It has been smoother for me than for Adrian. A slight fever and sore throat, maybe like a mild flu, he says.

About colleagues and other close people in a work situation:

– I haven’t had any close contact there since Adrian got infected.

His quarantine lasts until December 27. A day later, the Christmas celebration was delayed at the home of Gabriela Moen’s mother and grandmother (56). If everyone is healthy, then.

– We had decided to face the traditional family Christmas Eve with nine participants already when Adrian was healthy and before I was diagnosed. New Christmas Eve is approaching. Grandma is in the risk group and we don’t want to take risks, she explains.

Superman and hulk

Now the planned repetition of last year’s Christmas Eve party with nine people is divided into three: Carla and Adrian separately, sister / aunt along with the other three in the house separately and mother / grandmother together with two brothers / uncles and in the third the address.

And delayed nine on Christmas Eve if a new infection did not appear.

– What does Adrian want for Christmas?

– A lot happens with superheroes during the day, especially classics like Superman and Hulk.
