Add Color Fantasy to the dock – another 400 will be laid off – E24


Due to the infection situation and the imposed regulations, the Kiel ferry is now docked. A total of 1,000 have been laid off.

MS Color Fantasy will stay on until the infection situation and government regulations change.

Bendiksby, Terje / NTB scanpix


Color Line has decided to reduce the capacity between Oslo and Kiel.

It announced the company in a press release Tuesday.

MS Color Fantasy will stay on until the infection situation and government regulations change.

– Unfortunately, capacity reduction is once again necessary, and it is crucial that the government and the Storting establish compensation schemes both this fall and next year, says Color Line CEO Trond Kleivdal.

This will mean that another 400 employees will be laid off.

Starting November 4, MS Color Magic will sail on a customized schedule with merchandise and passengers. Passengers will be on board for the entire journey without disembarking in Kiel. Disembarkation will only take place upon return to Oslo.

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Color Line will reduce costs: 300 man-years will disappear

300 man-years are gone

The tourism industry is among the hardest hit by the corona pandemic.

A total of 1,000 Color Line employees have been laid off.

– In addition, 300 employees have left, mainly through voluntary severance packages, Executive Vice President Helge Otto Mathisen informs E24.

About 2,200 out of a total of 2,400 employees have been laid off since authorities closed the borders on March 13. In late May, the company began hiring 1,000 employees.

But in recent weeks, Fjord Line and Color Line have again announced layoffs and layoffs totaling 500 man-years.

Color Line has previously stated that they must cut costs by $ 250 million starting next year.

– We must trust that the infection control situation develops for the better and that we obtain schemes that allow us to recover, says Mathisen.

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Fjord Line announces layoffs
