Action P3: – The bloody trick arouses outrage:


It’s time for the TV campaign, and in keeping with tradition, the editorial staff at NRK P3 offered a hack to raise as much money as possible last week.

That the different profiles attract attention with their inventions is nothing new, and especially the total change of Ronny Brede Aase (34), the deer Astrid S-blemme and the shaving of Vida Lill Berge (30) are among the stunts. that have been in the news previously.

It’s not always the inventions of the P3 gang that draw fans, and this year there’s one daring piece in particular that gets more people talking.

Therefore, he changes his middle name.

Therefore, he changes his middle name.

“Destroy this year’s P3 campaign”

The presenter Martin Lepperød (27) let himself hang from the hooks from behind to support the television campaign, which this year supports the WWF fight against plastic in the sea.

It was clear to him that this was something that he himself had dreamed of, and that this was completely voluntary, but still, this becomes too strong a diet for many.

Images of the adventure have been posted on P3’s Instagram profile and several have responded in the comment field. Some write that they have stopped following the account just for this.

This is one of the comments that have arrived on Instagram:

“I don’t think this is within what I find funny. He stops to continue.

“This ruined my whole year P3 campaign.”

“Far beyond the border. Not well “.

Now they have become parents

Now they have become parents

“What the hell is entertaining about this? This is pure idiocy. What a shame NRK P3! None of this is difficult. This is by no means right, and I didn’t think of this of you.

Several claim that the trick can help cause people to self-harm.

Inappropriate and unnecessary. I didn’t expect to find this on NRK P3. Going forward as a poor role model and knowing if you have a large following who certainly don’t need encouragement of this nature, you display poor judgment and weak online knowledge. We have more than enough unnecessary self-harm in society that we need the state-funded legitimation of this kind of stupidity. You are a state channel, not “Jackass”.

SURE: Martin Lepperød and NRK say the stunt was performed responsibly. Photo: Tom Øverlie / NRK P3
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– One hundred percent voluntary

Dagbladet contacted Lepperød on Monday, who is unavailable for comment.

On his own channel, however, he said Sunday that he is fine after Saturday’s challenge. Here he also commented on the reactions that have come.

– There is nothing to worry about. It was one hundred percent voluntary. It’s very nice that listeners are concerned about me, but I was in good hands. I have never done it, or have never been allowed to do it, if there was any health risk involved, she told NRK.

Therefore, they do not coexist

Therefore, they do not live together

Will consider criticism

Others, however, have given the go-ahead and praised Lepperød for the stunt, believing the warnings are enough to avoid seeing the challenge itself if one doesn’t want to.

P3 has been forced to respond to comments on his own Instagram account and ensures that the trick was done correctly. They also emphasize that Lepperød was a volunteer and had the opportunity to retire throughout the entire deployment.

STRANGE: P3 Profile Martin Axel Henny Lepperød comes out with a song and accompanying music video. And this last one is a … yes, a very strange video. Video: red carpet
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“It is not intended that the P3 campaign elicit strong negative reactions. Otherwise! A proper balancing act between challenges and how the audience experiences them is crucial to creating successful action,” they write, adding that feedback on the current challenge will be included in this year’s action review.

I have complaints

The Kampanje industry website writes that the Broadcasting Council has received two complaints about the feature.

Settlement with NRK: - No logic

Settlement with NRK: – No logic

P3 editor Camilla Bjørn tells the website that they were prepared for the backlash, but emphasizes that the challenge was carefully evaluated from editorial, HSE (health, environment and safety) and infection control perspectives.

Tørnquist on his intimate problem

Tørnquist on his intimate problem

– Most of the time, the presenters don’t know about the challenges in advance, but in this case, presenter Martin Lepperød was closely involved the whole way along with Håvve Fjell from Wings of Desire, who is among the most recognized in the field of bodily suspension, she says.

She still understands that the feature impressed people, but emphasizes that the hack belongs to the “madness and fun” that P3aksjonen has made its trademark.
