A total of 40 infected – 10 new – VG


TWO EVENTS: Those infected in Arendal are mainly linked to two private events: one on September 13 and another on September 19. Photo: Halvard Alvik / NTB

Ten new people have been confirmed to be infected by the Arendal outbreak. The municipality is considering introducing stricter measures.

– All ten are already in quarantine, says Mayor Robert Cornels Nordli to VG.

37 of the 40 belong to Arendal, while three live abroad.

Today, the municipality had to send an SMS to all residents, because there is a lot to do on the phone in the emergency room.

– Do you have challenges with testing at the moment? As it reports huge progress.

– Yes we have it. We have a lot of people who want to get tested, says Nordli.

Note: This graph shows the infected people who are registered in Arendal.

In the text message, they encourage people who are not so sick that they need medical help to wait to call.

– If you know that you have been in contact with an infected person, you should stay home, regardless of whether you have symptoms, says the mayor.

The mayor on the situation: Not clear

Arendal is one of the 15 municipalities that right now has a growing contagion trend, according to VG figures.

The outbreak dates back to a private event on September 13. Then the infected person showed up from a private party in Hove on September 19, where an infected person from eastern Norway participated. Several infected people had also been to Egon and the Sports Bar in Arendal tonight.

– Still not in control?

– We use the expression that is confusing. We continue to work on monitoring infections in Arendal. When I stopped by the infection tracking team at 1pm, they were hard at work. I’m sure we’ve already spent 250 in quarantine, says the mayor.

– Does this eruption have the potential to be like the large eruptions in Bergen and Sarpsborg / Fredrikstad?

– From my perspective, I would say that it is too early to say, responds the mayor.

On Thursday, the municipality introduced stricter measures, including a 10-person limit on private events.

– We are in a very close dialogue with FHI on the evaluation of other measures. Including spokespersons for public transportation and possibly other places where it will be difficult to keep a meter away, says the mayor.

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