– A scammer – E24


NEW YORK (E24) Former Donald Trump architect Andrew Tesoro claims the president owes him more than $ 100,000. – It is a shame for our country and I hope that the Americans are not fooled as they deceived me.

Andrew Tesoro worked closely with President Donald Trump for four years, from 2002 to 2006. He feels cheated by the president.

Stretcher Svennæs ​​Bergland / E24


On the 14th floor of the building on Eighth Avenue sits the man who in 2002 was hired to design and complete Trump’s golf villa in Westchester, New York.

“He still owes me more than $ 100,000,” Tesoro told E24.

Present a payment to be signed by Trump of $ 25,000.

According to the architect, what he describes as a nightmare began when he came into contact with Trump Group employees in 2001. He says the architectural firm he owns was hired to draw on the project that has already started.

DRAWINGS: Tesoro shows the drawings he made before the construction process began.

Stretcher Svennæs ​​Bergland / E24

– I took over a contract. It wasn’t very good, but we agreed on the price and I started working. But then it kicked in during the process and the project ended up taking four years, he says and shows the golf house drawings.

The US media wrote several articles about Treasury in 2016 after it became an active part of the Hillary Clinton campaign.

He spoke openly about his relationship with Donald Trump and how he warned the American people not to vote for him. Four years later, he hopes Americans have learned.

– Manage the country as if it were a company. A company on the way to bankruptcy, he says, sitting in his office chair with project drawings on the table in front of him.

E24 has been shown photos of the development process, drawings that were made, a fax that was sent between Treasury and Trump, a letter of recommendation from Trump, and a copy of a $ 25,000 bill, signed by Donald Trump.

According to Tesoro, that payment is missing more than $ 100,000, more than 900,000 crowns at the current exchange rate.

– I was simply captured by a farmer. When I sent invoices during the construction project, they paid part of the sum. That way, they made sure he didn’t stop working. But they never paid the amount we hired on the road. I worked in good faith to get it right.

TOO SMALL: This is the final payment that Tesoro agreed to, but which he believes was for a much lesser amount than agreed.

Stretcher Svennæs ​​Bergland / E24

– If you had this contracted, why didn’t you take it to court?

– I got a lawyer, but Trump’s lawyer told me they were going to let this process take so long that it would cost me dearly. Although I probably won, I had to decide if it was worth it. I finally decided to realize that I got nowhere and received a much smaller amount than the settlement was.

Tesoro says he was on the brink of bankruptcy and had to spend much of his own savings, as well as money set aside for his son’s education to pay his employees.

– Could someone say that you have to thank yourself?

– I continued the work in good faith that the money would come when the work was done. I also did not benefit from going to war with Trump, as I was promised I would get more assignments later. I saw it as a long-term investment, although I was cursed for being scammed.

A fax accessed by E24 will show a correspondence between the architect and Trump dated September 2006. When asked by Tesoro if the architecture firm could contribute to a new project, Trump writes the following:

“The plan was finished before I got involved. I would recommend your good work»

FOUR YEARS: What was really going to be a quick and easy project for Trump ended with a mission that would take four years to complete.

Stretcher Svennæs ​​Bergland / E24

The architect also received a letter signed by Trump, accessed by E24, in which Trump praises Tesoro to the heavens. Write, among other things:

“Andrew Tesoro was hired to design my clubhouse”

“Andrew Tesoro is a dedicated, enthusiastic, talented and solid architect. He did a good job for me and I highly recommend him to anyone who needs the help of one of the best architects.

LOVE: According to Tesoro, Trump has commented and crossed out parts of the first drawings he did not like, and parts that he liked – where he has written “love.”

Camilla Svennæs ​​Bergland

He thinks Trump is good at making others feel important and that he thought he was going to get more projects.

When asked why he chooses to tell his story, he says that his story says something about what Trump is like as a person.

– Trump is a scammer and in no condition to lead the United States. Also, I am ashamed to be an American because we have elected such a president to lead us. That is why I choose to speak to the foreign press.

According to Tesoro, he has not heard from the president or the White House since he left in 2016 and told his story. The only time he heard anything was when they allegedly called a couple of years ago to ask about the details of a rug in the house he designed for Trump.

– I told them that I had already worked enough for them for free and that I wanted to get paid $ 700 for one hour of work, before starting work. Since then I have not heard from them.

E24 has tried to contact the White House for comment, without success.
