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All results of Russian biathlete Yevgeny Ustyugov from January 1, 2010 to the end of the 2013/2014 season, which applies to both the Vancouver Olympics and the Sochi Olympics, are dropped due to doping, they report. Ustyugov’s attorneys to the reputable Inside the Games website. .

This is confirmed by the independent doping unit of the International Biathlon Federation in a press release this afternoon.

Removing the Ustjugov results mainly means three things:

  • Ustjugov loses the Olympic gold in the joint Vancouver 2010 outing, which means that Martin Fourcade gets the gold.
  • Due to the doping of Ustjugov, the Russian team loses Olympic gold in the men’s biathlon relay in Sochi in 2014. This leads Germany to advance to gold, Austria to silver and Norway to bronze.
  • As the Russians lose a gold medal, Norway surpasses the host nation at the top of the 2010 medal statistics. Norway will rank with eleven gold, five silver and eleven bronze, while the Russians drop to second place in the statistics, with ten gold, ten silver and nine bronze.


OUTSIDE: Yevgeny Ustyugov’s results from 2010 to 2014 are removed. This means, among other things, that the Olympic gold in the Sochi relay now belongs to Germany.

Photo: Rene Gomolj / AFP

The Russians appealed

The International Biathlon Federation (IBU) already decided in February that Ustjugovs should be banned due to abnormal fluctuations in their blood values, but the Russians appealed the decision to the CAS.

According to Inside the Games, lawyers for Ustjugov argued that he naturally has a very high hemoglobin level in his blood and that this is something else his family has as well.

CAS apparently didn’t buy into that explanation. According to the IBU press release, CAS believes it is obvious that blood values ​​have been artificially manipulated over time. That is why Ustjugov receives a ban as severe as four years. CAS is expected to make an official statement later Tuesday.


PRESTIGE: Russians have enormous prestige in being the best in their own Olympics. Now the gold of these four boys is pressed.

Photo: Lee Jin-man / AP

The result is independent of whether the Norwegian relay team with Tarjei Bø, Johannes Thingnes Bø, Ole Einar Bjørndalen and Emil Hegle Svendsen ascends to bronze in Sochi.

«Mr. Yevgeny Ustyugov has violated section 2.2 ADRV of the doping regulations and used a prohibited substance, oxandrolone. It is prohibited for a period of two years starting on February 13, 2020.»This was confirmed in the IBU press release in February.

NRK expert Emil Hegle Svendsen (35), who was the last stage for Norway, cannot be delighted to be able to add an Olympic medal to the seven he already has.

– A positive verdict for doping is never good news. It’s actually very boring and a recurring ghost that appears from time to time, Svendsen tells NRK.

– I went for the gold

The Trøndelag man was able to go to Norway for the gold in the relay in Sochi, but got into trouble on the last shot, which meant Norway finished in bitter fourth place.


HEAVY DAY: Emil Hegle Svendsen was very sad after the gold fell on Norway’s last shot. After the end, he was comforted by his peers.

Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB

Svendsen is clear that there will be no party tonight to celebrate the six-and-a-half-year postponed bronze.

– It was the gold that we went for, and that’s what slipped. This is probably not the race I will tell my grandchildren about. This will probably be the lowest of my Olympic medals, he says.

Svendsen thinks the best thing about today’s news is that Norway surpasses Russia in medal statistics, especially considering the well-documented, state-funded doping stunt that characterized the Olympics.

– That we are the best nation is perhaps the best consequence of this. A bronze medal in biathlon relays isn’t worth much, but becoming the best nation, especially after what the Russians did, feels great. It’s a kind of repair, he says.

Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games

GREAT Olympics: Emil Hegle Svendsen, Ole Einar Bjørndalen, Tiril Eckhoff, Tora Berger and the rest of the Norwegian biathletes put on a great Olympiad, and they contributed greatly to Norway being the best nation six and a half years later.

Photo: Timo Jaakonaho / NTB

– Will there be any messages between you and Bjørndalen, the Bø brothers tonight now that you all received a bronze medal in the mail?

– Hehe, yes, you should not ignore that there will be some messages. It is always good to beautify the statistics a bit.

Satisfied Bø

Tarjei Bø views CAS’s decision as a victory for all pure practitioners.

– This is another new and just victory for fair play and pure athletes. We never get a chance to feel the magical atmosphere of receiving the Olympic medal and looking at the Norwegian flag, but it turns out that cheats can never feel safe, he texts NRK.


CHALLENGE TO BJØRNDALEN: Tarjei Bø challenges Ole Einar Bjørndalen to throw a bronze party.

Photo: Carina Johansen / NTB

– The state funded deception in Sochi is the most serious deception I have ever experienced in my career. That Russia is no longer the best nation, I think it gives a very pleasant symbolism for all who are interested in a pure sport, he also writes, before concluding with humor:

– I hope Ole Einar throws a proper party with a mask and antibac in his back pocket!
