A Norwegian convicted of terrorism can have a zone in Norway – VG


DEFENDANT: Attorney Nils Christian Nordhus represents the Norwegian citizen. Photo: FRODE HANSEN

The Norwegian citizen who has been sentenced to prison in Italy in the Mulla Krekar case will be able to serve the full sentence in Norway.

In a recent decision, the Attorney General has decided that the Norwegian citizen can be handed over to the Italian authorities, but it has been set as a condition that he can serve his sentence in Norway when the verdict against him in Italy is final, according to information from VG.

The Norwegian, who lives in Viken, was sentenced earlier this summer to nine years in prison in an Italian court, for participating in a terrorist organization in the same case as Mullah Krekar in Italy.

He was not present during the trial, but later challenged the verdict.

– You are very relieved by the decision of the Norwegian authorities that any imprisonment must take place in Norway. This is because he has a wife and children in Norway, his defender Nils Christian Nordhus tells VG.

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In early August, the man was detained by the Police Security Service (PST), after Italian authorities asked that he be prosecuted.

The Norwegian, who has a wife who is a Norwegian citizen and two children, also questions the basis for the extradition. However, it is expected to be delivered to Italy for a very short period.

The verdict against him in Italy is expected to be final on October 8, that is, in a couple of weeks. Then she will return to Norway.

The father of the family has lived in Norway for 21 years and has had Norwegian citizenship since 2006.

Defender Nordhus explains that the man believes that a temporary stay in Italy is unnecessary as long as, in any case, it is stipulated as a condition for surrender that, by final judgment, he is transferred to Norway for execution here, and points out that it is possible a final decision is available this fall. .

– You are also pleased that the Norwegian courts have not followed up on PST’s accusation that it has violated Norwegian terrorism law.

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Krekar was unsuccessful in the appeal case

Correction: In the first version of this case, VG wrote: “In a recent decision, the Oslo District Court has ruled that the Norwegian citizen can be handed over to the Italian authorities, but the condition has been established that he can fulfill his he condemns in Norway when the verdict against him in Italy is final. It is true that it is the Attorney General who has made this decision. ”This was corrected on September 24, 2020 at 3:48 p.m.

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