A new government next fall will be without KrF


  • Jonas Gahr Støre

    Leader, Labor Party

KrF has chosen a route and a choice of values ​​after the party closed the door to cooperation with the Labor Party, writes Labor Party leader Jonas Gahr Støre. Here deputy leader Olaug Bollestad and party leader Kjell Ingolf Ropstad (KrF). Carina Johansen / NTB scanpix

Norway will live well with that.

This is a discussion post. Opinions in the text are the responsibility of the writer.

In the fall of 2018, the Popular Christian Party (KrF) held an election. A choice of path and a choice of value. With open eyes, they did what the liberals did: they broke their clear promise to voters and entered government with the Progress Party (Frp).

Nor was it with any Frp. It was with the party that, led by Sylvi Listhaug, more than ever catches voters, fostering hatred and suspicion among groups in Norwegian society. Now KrF continues to rule the government with Frp as a supporting party.

In Aftenposten on September 8, Harald Stanghelle gives the impression that this choice of route meant hardly anything. Of course it did.

Knut Arild Hareide’s courageous choice and vision led to respect far beyond KrF’s own ranks. It was opened to cooperation in the leadership of the Labor Party. It was rejected and voted against, led by deputies clearly pointing to the right, helped by Erna Solberg’s game, with the abortion law in the pot. Kjell Ingolf Ropstad’s KrF remains, who would still have ruled with Frp if it had been for him.

Opposite pole and negotiating partner

There is a line in the attitude of the Labor Party towards KrF until the fall of 2018. We are the main gender equality party in Norwegian politics. We have led the way in the fight of women, as well as we have been the main support of gays in the fight for rights and respect. Here, KrF in many cases has been the opposite or has come later.

It was never relevant for Gro Harlem Brundtland to engage with KrF on these matters, nor has it been for me. In the rounds of recent years under the Solberg government, on reservation rights, abortion laws and biotechnology laws, the Labor Party under my leadership has been at the forefront of the fight, against KrF and the right wing.

Pragmatic Center Party

At the same time, along the traditional right-left axis, KrF has been a pragmatic center party since the mid-1980s. Therefore, Gro minority governments could negotiate state budgets with them repeatedly. She didn’t see any contradiction in this, the same happened to me.

The question of government cooperation was never relevant in his time, when the line of the Labor Party was to rule alone. With the establishment of the red-green collaboration, the discussion and opportunities changed. What did not change were the values ​​of the Labor Party.

New government without KrF

As little as it has been relevant to reach a compromise with the Socialist People’s Party and the Socialist People’s Party on membership of the EEA and NATO, there has been no compromise on the issues of value related to gender equality and the rights of children. homosexuals with KrF.

However, we have been open to cooperation in social development with minor differences, a stronger welfare state and equal opportunities for the city and the countryside. Here I am sure we could have found good solutions, other than what we get with FRP and conservatives.

Since the fall of 2018, this has in any case been of academic interest. KrF made its choice, the same as the Liberal Party had made a year earlier: break the promise to voters, enter government with Frp. Now they go to the polls for the current government, with the FRP as a supporting party.

During the same time, since the fall of 2018, it has become clear to the Labor Party that a new government next fall will not have KrF. Norway will live well with that.

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