They have checked various names – VG


PURPOSE: Tom Hagen is charged with the murder of the wife Anne-Elisabeth Hagen. Photo: Tore Kristiansen

Tom Hagen (70), an objective assassin, has expressed little computer skills. Police have investigated whether anyone in their extended circle may have helped with the advanced cryptocurrency scheme.

Last week, when the court evaluated police documents and evidence against Tom Hagen (70), it stated that several people involved are likely involved in the sensational murder case.

The court also believes that in the pile of police evidence there are documents that “show part of the professionalism that has been required.”


Tom Hagen is charged with the murder of his wife, Anne-Elisabeth Hagen, but he rejects the punishment and has nothing to do with the disappearance.

VG has previously written that the police in particular suspect one or more aides in connection with the so-called cryptocurrency track.

According to VG, police believe there is little evidence that Tom Hagen has the competence to be alone behind the advanced scheme.

VG knows that key witnesses in the interrogation are asking for names of people in Tom Hagen’s extended circle who may have had the knowledge and ability to assist the billionaire.

VG is also informed that investigations into one or more potential assistants during the investigation have led to several names being verified.

Childcare attorney: They are completely convinced of the innocence of the father.

At the scene in Sloraveien, there was once again a threatening letter saying that Tom Hagen was required more than NOK 90 million in the crypto currency Monero. His wife Anne-Elisabeth Hagen was threatened with life, and advanced communication was organized through encrypted messages.

Watch the video, as the instructions in the letter were:

The computer knowledge that can target one or more attendees is due, among other things, to the cryptocurrency codes and digital platforms that the so-called “counterparty” wanted to use to communicate.

… Read more These are the secret letter codes.

Police now believe there have been no counterpart calls, but that it is nevertheless a carefully planned hoax to hide a murder.

Throughout the investigation, the police have noted that experience is required to operate as the so-called “counterparty” has.

– Both the form of communication and the sending of money through the platform used are complicated. It is one of the hallmarks of this case, and some of them are new compared to many other cases. Therefore, there is a central question in the investigation: Who is so competent? Police Inspector Tommy Brøske in the Eastern Police District told VG during an interview on January 8.

– How big is the environment in Norway that can contribute to such a thing?

– I don’t want to make an assessment of the size of that environment, Brøske replied.

The citations have been read, corrected and approved by the police almost three months before they were published in this article.

Get update: Nine key questions and answers

VG has been talking to people who know Tom Hagen for over a year. It is described as very analogous in recent years, with physical laptops and an old cell phone.

… Read more Information for VG: Police hunted Tom Hagen’s notebooks

Several of Hagen’s acquaintances must have told police that they do not believe that he alone could have had the necessary digital expertise to back up the encryption setup.

In an interview with NRK on Sunday, billionaire advocate, attorney Svein Holden, paints the same picture. He describes his client as an “old school” businessman when it comes to “digital skills.”

– I quickly found out that there was no point in texting him because he couldn’t do that, says the NRK advocate. In addition, he claims that the billionaire also doesn’t master attachments in emails.

Also read: Unknown Findings Behind Arrest

On Monday, the defender filed the appeal with the Eidsivating Court of Appeal, which will deal with the billionaire’s appeal on the prison issue during the week. The garden does not recognize criminal charges and refuses to have done anything to the missing spouse.

– What the police have presented as evidence is meager in my opinion, says Holden, who, due to the documents in the case, cannot comment on the appeal in detail.

VG has tried to get the defender to talk about the billionaire’s computer literacy and the police and court claim that there are likely to be several involved in the case.

Holder writes in an SMS that he has no comment.

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