One of the five Norwegians used the cabin last weekend – VG


MORE ABOUT THE CABINS: One in five Norwegians stated that they used the cabin last weekend. Here from Beitostølen. Photo: Sigmund Krøvel-Velle / NTB scanpix

The Norwegian Corona Monitor shows that nearly 20 percent of respondents used the cabin or vacation home last weekend.

– The number of Norwegians using holiday homes has now almost quadrupled compared to when the cabin ban was introduced. Although it is not illegal to use vacation homes at the moment, it remains a national recommendation to avoid leisure travel, says senior adviser Ola Gaute Aas Askheim at Opinion, which is conducting the survey.

The cabin ban was introduced on Thursday, March 19, but already over the weekend after only 5 percent stated they had been in the cabin. At Easter, nine out of ten answered that they had dropped the cabin.

Those over 50 use the cabin more

– After Easter, we saw an increase in cabin use from day one, with more and more people planning to use their vacation home, which continued to increase after the cabin ban was lifted, Askheim says.

Especially those over 50 who have declared that they use the cabin. The highest use of the cabin is in northern Norway and central Norway, while the lowest proportion is the cabin used in Oslo.

In the next week, the government is expected to present a comprehensive plan for the reopening of society.

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Planning a vacation in Norway

Previous surveys show that up to 86 percent believe that this year’s summer holidays will be spent exclusively in Norway this year.

The survey also indicates that 6 percent consider renting someone else’s home or vacation residence in Norway during the summer. Like many are considering renting their own home or vacation home. Therefore, in theory, it is an almost perfect balance in the rental market, according to the opinion poll.

The proportion that most wants to rent their vacation homes comes from Oslo or eastern Norway.

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