– There is a lot of feces everywhere – VG


Popular outings don’t always offer public toilets. Before a summer of special travel restrictions, many are concerned with how outdoor tourists will solve drug problems. Photo: Erik Johansen / NTB scanpix

People who organize outdoor activities fear that many tourists this summer will do their part in nature in the absence of public toilets.

In the popular hiking area of ​​Tromvik, just outside Tromsø, it is clear that people solve drug problems outdoors.

– We see that there is a lot of feces and toilet paper everywhere. We believe that even more people will visit these areas during the summer, and that will make the situation even worse, says Anne Birgitte Fyhn from the Tromvik Development Team at NRK.

The Norwegian Tourism Association (DNT) is aware of the problem and notes that everyone has a duty to clean up nature.

– But as there are more people, also more guests from other countries, we see that there is someone who cannot do it, says Anne-Mari Planke on DNT.

The municipality of Tromsø estimates that it costs around NOK 100,000 a year to operate the needed toilets, and hopes to be able to share responsibility with, among other things, the county municipality and the tourism industry.

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