Hareide Unveils Biggest Billion Plan Ever


In the office, the Minister of Transport has a poster. He says, “Dear God, make it Friday, Mondays come anyway.”

– And I’m especially looking forward to this Friday, naturally, Hareide tells NTB.

After the Minister on Friday March 19, Hareide will present the National Transportation Plan 2022-2033. A plan that is very excited, both in a positive and negative sense.

– We know that there are many who have worked very hard and for whom this means a lot. We want both those who agree with us and those who disagree with us to be prepared, Hareide says.

– Therefore, I think it is correct to give the date that we now know will be Friday.

Record trillion

The leaks of the plan began to leak already in early March:

* yes to the double track on the Ringeriksbanen between Sandvika and Hønefoss

* road projects in western Norway worth more than NOK 60 billion

* extended city line in Bergen

* NOK 4 billion for the E6 upgrade in North Troms

* NOK 3 billion for a new airport in Bodø

* NOK 1.8 billion for a new large airport in Rana

* NOK 896 million for a new tunnel on National Highway 13 at Suldal in Rogaland

* 500 million for road safety for children

Hareide will not disclose the general framework of the plan. But it is a larger sum of money than in any previous plan.

– It’s an ambitious plan. It is a billions bigger plan than ever. And it’s a realistic plan, Hareide says.

The whole country

The Minister of Transport and Communications is open to anyone being disappointed.

A smaller year-over-year increase is expected than in the previous NTP. And the government has put a critical focus on several demanding projects.

– There are projects to be lost in western Norway, eastern Norway and northern Norway. But there are also projects that we have prioritized in western Norway, eastern Norway and northern Norway. We have prioritized projects throughout Norway, Hareide tells NTB.

– When I present this on Friday, I think people will say that we have seen all of Norway. There is no region that has won or lost, he says.

Less tolls

The minister may also reveal that in the new NTP he has tried to prevent drivers from increasing toll charges.

– In fact, we receive slightly less tolls. It is not that it cannot accept tolls. But I don’t want a level that leads us to resist it, he says.

Hareide emphasizes that he himself has no problem with tolls.

– I never promised zero tolls. But I am concerned that we should have legitimacy. We must not have too much resistance related to tolls.

Another major focus area is public transportation and the environment in cities, according to Hareide.

– There is a clear connection between our climate plan and the National Transportation Plan. People will see it.
